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Asian Persuasion Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Looking for a drink that packs a punch of Asian flavors? Our Asian Persuasion cocktail is the perfect blend of sake rice wine, tangy cranberry juice, and sweet plum wine. Impress your guests with this unique and delicious drink, perfect for any occasion. Try our recipe now and get ready to be persuaded by this refreshing and exotic cocktail.

Asian Persuasion Ingredients

Asian Persuasion Recipe

  1. mix ingredients together
  2. pour into glass
  3. top up with sake rice wine

The Art of Making an Asian Persuasion Cocktail

If you're looking for a unique and flavorful cocktail to impress your guests, look no further than the Asian Persuasion. This cocktail is a blend of sake rice wine, cranberry juice, and plum wine, resulting in a refreshing and complex flavor profile. In this article, we'll explore the history and popularity of the Asian Persuasion, the roles of its ingredients, how to garnish it, variations to suit various dietary restrictions, and common mistakes to avoid when making it.


The Asian Persuasion cocktail has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the United States. Its unique blend of ingredients has made it a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts who are looking for something different. However, its origins can be traced back to Japan, where sake rice wine is a staple beverage.

The Asian Persuasion is famous for its combination of sweet and tart flavors. The cranberry juice adds a tartness that balances out the sweetness of the plum wine, while the sake rice wine adds depth and complexity to the cocktail. Its appearance is also noteworthy, with its deep red color and elegant glassware.

Ingredient Roles

The ingredients in an Asian Persuasion cocktail each play a crucial role in creating its unique flavor profile.

Sake Rice Wine

Sake rice wine is made from fermented rice and is a staple beverage in Japan. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor that complements the tartness of the cranberry juice and the sweetness of the plum wine.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice adds a tartness that balances out the sweetness of the plum wine. It also provides a beautiful deep red color to the cocktail.

Plum Wine

Plum wine is a sweet and fruity wine that is made from fermented plums. It provides the sweetness that balances out the tartness of the cranberry juice and the depth and complexity that complements the sake rice wine.

How to Garnish

Garnishing an Asian Persuasion cocktail is simple yet elegant. A simple lemon or lime twist can add a touch of acidity and complement the sweetness of the cocktail. You can also add a fresh cranberry or a sprig of mint for a pop of color and added aroma.


There are several variations of the Asian Persuasion cocktail that cater to various dietary restrictions and preferences.

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin or mocktail version of the Asian Persuasion cocktail, simply omit the sake rice wine and replace it with a non-alcoholic substitute such as ginger ale or sparkling water. The cranberry juice and plum wine will still provide a delicious and refreshing flavor.

Gluten-Free Version

All the ingredients in the original Asian Persuasion cocktail are gluten-free. However, it's important to ensure that the brands you use are certified gluten-free to avoid any potential cross-contamination.

Vegan Version

The original Asian Persuasion cocktail is vegan-friendly as none of the ingredients are derived from animals. However, it's important to ensure that the brands you use are vegan-friendly.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the Asian Persuasion cocktail, simply replace the cranberry juice with a sugar-free cranberry juice or cranberry-flavored sparkling water. The plum wine and sake rice wine are both low in carbs and can be enjoyed in moderation.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Asian Persuasion cocktail, simply replace the plum wine with a low-calorie plum-flavored syrup or extract. The cranberry juice and sake rice wine are both low in calories, making this cocktail a guilt-free indulgence.

Common Mistakes when Making

When making an Asian Persuasion cocktail, there are some common mistakes to avoid to ensure that you get the best possible flavor.

Using Low-Quality Ingredients

The quality of the ingredients you use will greatly affect the flavor of the cocktail. Using low-quality sake rice wine or plum wine can result in a less complex and less flavorful cocktail.

Overpowering the Flavors

It's important to balance the sweetness of the plum wine with the tartness of the cranberry juice and the depth of the sake rice wine. Adding too much of any one ingredient can overpower the other flavors and result in an unbalanced cocktail.

Not Chilling the Ingredients

The Asian Persuasion cocktail is best enjoyed chilled. Make sure to chill the sake rice wine, cranberry juice, and plum wine before mixing them together to ensure the cocktail is refreshing and crisp.

In conclusion, the Asian Persuasion cocktail is a unique and flavorful addition to any cocktail menu. Its combination of sake rice wine, cranberry juice, and plum wine provides a refreshing and complex flavor profile that is sure to impress. By following the tips and variations outlined in this article, you can create a customized Asian Persuasion cocktail that suits your dietary preferences and impresses your guests.

If you are going to order Asian Persuasion in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Asian Persuasion can be served with different ingredients in different places.