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Baileys Butterball Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Indulge in the rich and creamy goodness of Baileys Butterball drink made with butterscotch liqueur, whisky cream, and cream. This easy-to-make cocktail recipe is perfect for any occasion and is sure to impress your guests. Shake it up in a shaker with a strainer, add ice, top it off with caramel syrup and chocolate shavings, and serve in a cocktail glass. A delicious treat for any beginning bartender looking to impress and satisfy their adult audience in the USA.

Baileys Butterball Ingredients

Baileys Butterball Equipment

  • shaker with strainer - get rid of large pieces of ingredients (ex: fruit parts, seeds)

Baileys Butterball Recipe

  1. fill a shaker halfway with ice cubes
  2. shake till perfectly chilled
  3. strain into cocktail glass without ice

Recommend: serve in Cocktail glass

The conical shape of the cocktail glass brings to mind martini for most people. Cocktail glasses are for drinks with a volume of 3 to 6 ounces that are usually served "up" without ice.

The Baileys Butterball: A Classic Cocktail with Many Variations

If you're a fan of creamy, sweet cocktails, you've probably heard of the Baileys Butterball. This cocktail has been around for decades and is a favorite among those who love the taste of Baileys Irish Cream. In this article, we'll explore the history, ingredients, variations, and common mistakes when making a Baileys Butterball.


The Baileys Butterball cocktail has been around since the 1970s and is known for its creamy texture and sweet taste. It's a popular drink among those who love Baileys Irish Cream and has become a staple at many bars and restaurants. The origins of the cocktail are unclear, but it's believed to have originated in the United States.

The Baileys Butterball is famous for its creamy texture and sweet taste. The cocktail is typically made with Baileys Irish Cream, butterscotch liqueur, cream, and ice. It's served in a cocktail glass and garnished with caramel syrup and chocolate shavings. The appearance of the cocktail is a creamy, light brown color that looks delicious.

Ingredient Roles

The Baileys Butterball is made with four main ingredients: Baileys Irish Cream, butterscotch liqueur, cream, and ice. Each ingredient plays a vital role in creating the perfect Baileys Butterball.

  • Baileys Irish Cream: This is the star of the show. Baileys Irish Cream is a creamy, sweet liqueur that's made with Irish whiskey, cream, and other ingredients. It's the main ingredient in the Baileys Butterball and gives the cocktail its signature taste.
  • Butterscotch Liqueur: This ingredient adds a sweet, buttery flavor to the cocktail. It's typically used in small amounts to complement the Baileys Irish Cream.
  • Cream: The cream adds to the cocktail's creamy texture and helps to balance out the sweetness of the Baileys Irish Cream and butterscotch liqueur.
  • Ice: The ice is used to chill the cocktail and give it a refreshing taste.

How to Garnish

The Baileys Butterball is typically garnished with caramel syrup and chocolate shavings. To garnish the cocktail, simply drizzle caramel syrup over the top of the cocktail and sprinkle chocolate shavings on top. This adds a sweet, decadent touch to the cocktail and makes it look even more delicious.


The Baileys Butterball is a versatile cocktail that can be customized to suit your taste preferences. Here are some variations of the Baileys Butterball that you can try:

  • Virgin/Mocktail Version: If you want to enjoy the taste of the Baileys Butterball without the alcohol, you can make a virgin/mocked version. Simply omit the butterscotch liqueur and whiskey cream and replace them with a non-alcoholic alternative.
  • Gluten-Free Version: To make a gluten-free version of the Baileys Butterball, you'll need to use gluten-free ingredients. Baileys Irish Cream is gluten-free, but make sure to use a gluten-free butterscotch liqueur and cream.
  • Vegan Version: To make a vegan version of the Baileys Butterball, you'll need to use vegan-friendly ingredients. Use a vegan cream alternative and a vegan butterscotch liqueur.
  • Keto Version: To make a keto-friendly version of the Baileys Butterball, you'll need to use keto-friendly ingredients. Use a sugar-free butterscotch liqueur and a keto-friendly cream alternative.
  • Low-Calorie Version: To make a low-calorie version of the Baileys Butterball, you'll need to use low-calorie ingredients. Use a low-calorie butterscotch liqueur and a low-calorie cream alternative.

Common Mistakes When Making

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when making a Baileys Butterball:

  • Using too much ice: Using too much ice can water down the cocktail and affect the taste. Use the recommended amount of ice to ensure that the cocktail is properly chilled.
  • Forgetting to shake: The Baileys Butterball is typically made in a shaker with a strainer. Make sure to shake the cocktail well to ensure that all the ingredients are properly mixed.
  • Using the wrong glass: The Baileys Butterball is typically served in a cocktail glass. Using the wrong glass can affect the appearance of the cocktail and make it look less appealing.
  • Using expired ingredients: Make sure to check the expiration dates on all the ingredients before making the cocktail. Using expired ingredients can affect the taste and quality of the cocktail.

In conclusion, the Baileys Butterball is a classic cocktail that's beloved by many. Whether you prefer the traditional recipe or a customized version, this cocktail is sure to please. Just remember to avoid these common mistakes and enjoy your delicious Baileys Butterball!

If you are going to order Baileys Butterball in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Baileys Butterball can be served with different ingredients in different places.