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Bear Fight Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Get ready to rumble with the Bear Fight Drink! This easy-to-make cocktail packs a punch with four parts beer, three parts tonic, two parts lemon liqueur, and two 5 Hour Energy shots. Perfect for any night out, this recipe will have you feeling like a pro bartender in no time. Mix it up and let the games begin!

Bear Fight Ingredients

Bear Fight Recipe

  1. mix ingredients together
  2. serve in glass
  3. top up with Beer

The Bear Fight Cocktail: Origins, Variations, and Common Mistakes

As a professional bartender, I have seen countless cocktail trends come and go. However, one drink that has consistently remained popular among my customers is the Bear Fight cocktail. In this blog post, we will explore the history and origins of this drink, its popularity, ingredient roles, how to garnish, variations, and common mistakes that bartenders and home mixologists make when making it.


The Bear Fight cocktail is a popular drink that has gained fame over the years due to its unique ingredients and flavor profile. It is believed to have originated in the United States and gained popularity in college campuses, especially in the Midwest. The drink is famous for its strong flavor and potent effect, making it a go-to drink for those who want to have a good time.

History and Origins

The history of the Bear Fight cocktail is shrouded in mystery, and there is no concrete evidence regarding its origins. However, it is believed that the drink first gained popularity in the Midwest United States, where it was served at college parties and bars. Its name is said to have originated from the tough and rugged nature of its ingredients, which are believed to be capable of knocking out a bear.

Famous For

The Bear Fight cocktail is famous for its potent effect and unique flavor profile. It is a drink that packs a punch and is not for the faint of heart. The combination of beer, tonic, lemon liqueur, and 5 Hour Energy creates a unique taste that is both sweet and sour.


The Bear Fight cocktail is popular all over the United States, and it is a favorite among college students and young adults. However, its origins can be traced back to the Midwest, where it gained popularity in the early 2000s.


The Bear Fight cocktail has a unique appearance that sets it apart from other drinks. It is typically served in a pint glass and has a light brown color. It is often garnished with a slice of lemon or lime.

Ingredient Roles

The Bear Fight cocktail is made up of four main ingredients: beer, tonic, lemon liqueur, and 5 Hour Energy. Each of these ingredients plays a vital role in creating the unique flavor profile that the drink is famous for.


The beer used in the Bear Fight cocktail is an essential ingredient. It provides the drink with its base and adds a distinct flavor to the cocktail. Typically, a light beer is used in the drink, but any beer can be used, depending on personal preference.


Tonic water is another key ingredient in the Bear Fight cocktail. It adds a sweet and slightly bitter taste to the drink, which complements the other ingredients.

Lemon Liqueur

Lemon liqueur is used in the Bear Fight cocktail to add a sweet and sour taste to the drink. It also helps to balance out the bitterness of the tonic water.

5 Hour Energy

The addition of 5 Hour Energy to the Bear Fight cocktail is what sets it apart from other drinks. It provides the drink with a potent boost of energy and adds to the drink's overall potency.

How to Garnish

Garnishing the Bear Fight cocktail is easy and adds a pop of color and flavor to the drink. Typically, a slice of lemon or lime is used to garnish the cocktail. The citrus flavor of the fruit complements the drink and adds a refreshing touch to the overall taste.


The Bear Fight cocktail has several variations that cater to different dietary needs and preferences. Here are some popular variations:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin or mocktail version of the Bear Fight cocktail, simply omit the beer and 5 Hour Energy. The drink will still have the sweet and sour taste of the tonic and lemon liqueur.

Gluten-Free Version

To make a gluten-free version of the Bear Fight cocktail, ensure that the beer and tonic water used are gluten-free. Some popular gluten-free beer brands include Omission and Glutenberg.

Vegan Version

The Bear Fight cocktail is already vegan-friendly, as none of the ingredients used in the cocktail are derived from animals.

Keto Version

To make a keto version of the Bear Fight cocktail, replace the beer with a low-carb option, such as Michelob Ultra or Bud Select. Additionally, omit the tonic water or replace it with a sugar-free option.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Bear Fight cocktail, replace the beer with a light beer option and use a sugar-free tonic water.

Common Mistakes When Making

The Bear Fight cocktail is a relatively easy drink to make, but there are some common mistakes that bartenders and home mixologists make. Here are some of them:

  • Using the wrong beer: The type of beer used in the Bear Fight cocktail is crucial. Using a beer that is too heavy or has a strong flavor can overpower the other ingredients.

  • Not using enough tonic water: Tonic water helps to balance out the bitterness of the lemon liqueur. Not using enough can make the drink too sour.

  • Overpouring the 5 Hour Energy: The 5 Hour Energy used in the Bear Fight cocktail adds to the drink's potency. However, overpouring it can make the drink too strong and overpowering.

In conclusion, the Bear Fight cocktail is a popular and unique drink that has gained a following all over the United States. Its history and origins may be shrouded in mystery, but its flavor profile and potency are what make it a fan favorite. By understanding the role of each ingredient and avoiding common mistakes, bartenders and home mixologists can create the perfect Bear Fight cocktail every time.

If you are going to order Bear Fight in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Bear Fight can be served with different ingredients in different places.