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Constant Comment Tea Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Spice up your bartending game with our Constant Comment Tea Drink recipe! This unique blend of 2 leaf tea, cloves, cinnamon, and orange will tantalize your taste buds and impress your customers. Perfect for the beginning bartender looking to add a twist to their repertoire. Try it now!

Constant Comment Tea Ingredients

Constant Comment Tea Recipe

  1. mix ingredients together
  2. pour into glass

The Old Fashioned: A Classic Cocktail with Enduring Popularity

As a professional bartender, I’ve served countless cocktails to patrons over the years, but one drink that never goes out of style is the Old Fashioned. This classic cocktail has been enjoyed for over a century, and despite the many trends and fads that have come and gone in the bar industry, it remains a popular choice among drinkers. In this article, I’ll delve into the history and origins of the Old Fashioned, its key ingredients, how to garnish it, and some popular variations.


History and Origins

The Old Fashioned is believed to have originated in the late 1800s, and was originally called a "whiskey cocktail." At that time, cocktails were typically made with a variety of ingredients, including sugar, bitters, and fruit, but as the years went by, bartenders began to simplify the recipe. By the early 1900s, the Old Fashioned had become a staple in bars across the United States.

Famous For

The Old Fashioned is known for its simplicity, as it only contains a few key ingredients. It's also famous for its strong, bold flavor, which comes from the use of whiskey and bitters. The drink is typically served in an old fashioned glass, which is where it gets its name.


The Old Fashioned is a drink that can be found in bars all over the world, but it has a special place in American cocktail culture. It's particularly popular in the Midwest and the South, where it's considered a classic drink.


The Old Fashioned is a simple drink that doesn't require any fancy garnishes or elaborate presentation. It's typically served in an old fashioned glass with a large ice cube and a citrus twist.

Ingredient Roles

The key ingredients in an Old Fashioned are whiskey, sugar, bitters, and water. The whiskey is the star of the drink, providing the strong, bold flavor that the Old Fashioned is known for. The sugar helps to balance out the bitterness of the bitters, while the water helps to dilute the drink and make it more palatable.

How to Garnish

Garnishing an Old Fashioned is easy, as it doesn't require any elaborate presentation. Simply add a large ice cube to an old fashioned glass, pour in the drink, and add a twist of citrus. The most common citrus twist used in an Old Fashioned is a strip of orange peel, which adds a bright, citrusy flavor to the drink.


Virgin/Mocktail Version

For those who don't drink alcohol, or who are looking for a non-alcoholic alternative, a virgin or mocktail version of the Old Fashioned can be made using ingredients like non-alcoholic whiskey, simple syrup, and bitters.

Gluten-Free Version and Ingredients

The Old Fashioned is naturally gluten-free, as it doesn't contain any gluten-containing ingredients. However, it's important to note that some brands of whiskey and bitters may contain trace amounts of gluten, so it's important to read labels carefully.

Vegan Version

The Old Fashioned is also vegan-friendly, as it doesn't contain any animal products. However, some bartenders may use honey or other animal-derived sweeteners in their recipe, so it's important to ask for a vegan version if you're concerned.

Keto Version

For those following a keto diet, the Old Fashioned can be made using low-carb sweeteners like stevia or erythritol instead of sugar.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Old Fashioned, simply use a low-calorie sweetener like stevia or Splenda instead of sugar, and opt for a lower-proof whiskey.

More Variations

There are countless variations of the Old Fashioned, each with its own unique twist. Some popular variations include using different types of whiskey (like rye or bourbon), adding muddled fruit to the recipe (like cherries or peaches), or using flavored bitters (like orange or chocolate).

Common Mistakes When Making

One of the most common mistakes when making an Old Fashioned is using too much sugar. The drink should be balanced and not overly sweet, so it's important to use just enough sugar to balance out the bitterness of the bitters. Another mistake is using too much water, which can dilute the drink and make it taste weak. Finally, it's important to use high-quality ingredients, like a good whiskey and fresh citrus, to ensure that the drink has the best possible flavor.

In conclusion, the Old Fashioned is a classic cocktail that has stood the test of time. Its enduring popularity can be attributed to its simplicity, bold flavor, and versatility. Whether you're a whiskey aficionado or a teetotaler, there's an Old Fashioned variation out there for you. So why not give it a try and see why this classic cocktail has remained a favorite for over a century?

If you are going to order Constant Comment Tea in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Constant Comment Tea can be served with different ingredients in different places.