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Cucumber Martini Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Refreshing and Crisp Cucumber Martini Recipe - Perfect for Sipping in Summer! Learn to mix 1-1/2 oz of Cucumber Vodka, 1/2 oz of dry vermouth, and a tsp of Absinthe with a slice of cucumber to create a unique and delicious cocktail. Serve in a cocktail glass and garnish with a cucumber slice for a refreshing touch. Impress your guests with this easy-to-make cocktail today!

Cucumber Martini Ingredients

Cucumber Martini Equipment

  • shaker with strainer - get rid of large pieces of ingredients (ex: fruit parts, seeds)
  • knife - to prepare garnish slice

Cucumber Martini Recipe

Shake Effen cucumber vodka, dry white vermouth and absinthe with ice in a cocktail shaker.Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.Garnish with a thin slice of cucumber floating on top. Cocktail Glass

Recommend: serve in Cocktail glass

The conical shape of the cocktail glass brings to mind martini for most people. Cocktail glasses are for drinks with a volume of 3 to 6 ounces that are usually served "up" without ice.

The Cucumber Martini: A Refreshing Twist on the Classic Cocktail

Are you tired of the same old gin and tonic or vodka cranberry? Then it's time to try the cucumber martini! This refreshing twist on the classic cocktail is perfect for those who love fresh, crisp flavors. In this article, we'll explore the popularity of the cucumber martini, the role of its ingredients, how to garnish it, variations, and common mistakes to avoid when making it.


History and Origins

The cucumber martini has been around for over a decade, but its origins are unclear. Some sources credit the cocktail to the London bar scene in the early 2000s, while others attribute it to a New York City bartender who created the drink for a client who was looking for a new twist on the classic martini. Regardless of its origins, the cucumber martini has become a popular cocktail in bars across the United States and beyond.

Famous For

The cucumber martini is famous for its refreshing taste and crisp, clean finish. It's also known for its unique appearance, as the slice of cucumber garnish adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the drink.


The cucumber martini is popular in bars across the United States, particularly in coastal cities like New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. It's also a popular cocktail in the United Kingdom, where it's often served as a refreshing alternative to the traditional gin and tonic.


The cucumber martini is a pale green color, with a slice of cucumber garnish floating on top. It's typically served in a classic cocktail glass, which adds to its elegant appearance.

Ingredient Roles

The cucumber martini is made with just a few simple ingredients, each of which plays a crucial role in the drink's overall flavor.

Cucumber Vodka

The star of the show in the cucumber martini is, of course, the cucumber vodka. This flavored vodka adds a subtle yet refreshing cucumber flavor to the drink, without overpowering the other ingredients.

Dry Vermouth

Dry vermouth is a key ingredient in many classic cocktails, including the martini. It adds a dry, slightly bitter flavor to the drink, which balances out the sweetness of the cucumber vodka.


Absinthe is a strong, anise-flavored spirit that's often used in small quantities to add a hint of complexity to cocktails. In the cucumber martini, a small amount of absinthe is used to add a subtle herbal flavor to the drink.

How to Garnish

The cucumber martini is typically garnished with a slice of fresh cucumber, which adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the drink. To prepare the garnish, simply slice a thin piece of cucumber and place it on top of the drink. You can also use a vegetable peeler to create a long, thin strip of cucumber, which can be curled around the inside of the glass for added visual appeal.


The cucumber martini is a versatile cocktail that can be adapted to suit a variety of tastes and dietary restrictions. Here are just a few of the many variations you can try:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a non-alcoholic version of the cucumber martini, simply omit the vodka and absinthe and replace them with a splash of sparkling water or soda. You can also add a bit of cucumber juice or muddled cucumber to enhance the cucumber flavor.

Gluten-Free Version

All of the ingredients in the cucumber martini are naturally gluten-free, so this cocktail is a great choice for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Just be sure to choose a gluten-free vodka to ensure that the drink is entirely gluten-free.

Vegan Version

The cucumber martini is already vegan-friendly, as none of the ingredients are derived from animal products. Just be sure to check that your vodka is vegan, as some brands use animal-derived ingredients in their production process.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the cucumber martini, simply replace the dry vermouth with dry white wine, which has fewer carbs. You can also use a sugar-free simple syrup or a natural sweetener like stevia instead of the traditional simple syrup.

Low-Calorie Version

The cucumber martini is already a relatively low-calorie cocktail, but you can make it even lighter by using a sugar-free simple syrup or reducing the amount of simple syrup used. You can also use a lower-calorie vodka, such as a flavored vodka with fewer calories than a standard variety.

More Variations

The cucumber martini is a versatile cocktail that can be adapted in countless ways. Experiment with different flavored vodkas, such as lemon or grapefruit, or try adding a splash of fruit juice for a sweeter twist. You can also try adding herbs like basil or mint for added complexity.

Common Mistakes When Making

When making a cucumber martini, there are a few common mistakes to avoid:

Over-Muddling the Cucumber

When muddling the cucumber, be sure not to overdo it. Muddling too vigorously can release bitter flavors from the cucumber seeds, which can ruin the overall flavor of the cocktail.

Using Too Much Absinthe

Absinthe is a strong spirit, and a little goes a long way. Using too much absinthe can overpower the other flavors in the cocktail and make it difficult to enjoy.

Not Straining the Drink Properly

When shaking the cocktail, be sure to use a strainer to remove any large pieces of cucumber or other ingredients. Failing to strain the drink properly can result in a chunky, unappetizing cocktail.

In conclusion, the cucumber martini is a refreshing twist on the classic cocktail that's perfect for those who love fresh, crisp flavors. With just a few simple ingredients and a little bit of garnish, you can create an elegant and sophisticated cocktail that's sure to impress. So why not give it a try? Your taste buds will thank you!

If you are going to order Cucumber Martini in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Cucumber Martini can be served with different ingredients in different places.