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Do the Pink, the Pink Elephant Drink recipe

Hurricane glass

Unleash your inner bartender with the Pink Elephant drink recipe! Featuring Absolut vodka, Tanqueray gin, soda, and cream soda, this sweet and refreshing cocktail is perfect for any occasion. Stir it up with a metal straw or bar spoon and serve it in a hurricane glass for a chic and sophisticated look. Impress your friends with your mixology skills and try the Pink Elephant today!

Do the Pink, the Pink Elephant Ingredients

Do the Pink, the Pink Elephant Equipment

  • metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly, if you want to be a pro: use bar spoon

Do the Pink, the Pink Elephant Recipe

  1. mix the ingredients together with ice
  2. prepare Hurricane glass full with ice

Recommend: serve in Hurricane glass

This glass's pear-shaped curve is reminiscent of classic hurricane lamps, which is how it got its name. It holds between 10 and 12 ounces and is often used for piña coladas and other frozen cocktails.

The Pink Elephant: A Classic Cocktail That Has Stood the Test of Time

As a professional bartender, I have served countless cocktails over the years. However, there's one drink that always stands out from the rest – the Pink Elephant. This classic cocktail has been around for decades and is still as popular today as it was when it was first created. In this article, I will explore the origins of the Pink Elephant, its popularity, the roles of its ingredients, the art of garnishing, variations, and common mistakes when making it.


The Pink Elephant cocktail is famous for its unique taste and appearance. It is a sweet and creamy drink that is perfect for those who have a sweet tooth. The drink is typically made with Absolut vodka, Tanqueray gin, soda, and cream soda. It is served in a hurricane glass with a metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly.

History and Origins

The origins of the Pink Elephant cocktail are unclear, but it is believed to have been created in the mid-twentieth century. Its name is said to have been inspired by the hallucinations caused by drinking absinthe, which were often described as seeing pink elephants. The drink has since become a classic cocktail that is enjoyed by people all over the world.

Famous For

The Pink Elephant is famous for its unique taste and appearance. It is a sweet, creamy, and refreshing drink that is perfect for any occasion. The drink is often served at parties, weddings, and other special events.

Geographic Popularity

The Pink Elephant is a popular drink in many parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, and Europe. It is often served in bars, restaurants, and nightclubs, and is a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts.

Ingredient Roles

The Pink Elephant cocktail is made with a combination of Absolut vodka, Tanqueray gin, soda, and cream soda. Each of these ingredients plays a specific role in creating the unique taste and appearance of the drink.

Absolut Vodka

Absolut vodka is a premium vodka that is made from natural ingredients. It has a smooth and clean taste that is perfect for cocktails. In the Pink Elephant, Absolut vodka provides the base for the drink and adds a subtle sweetness to the overall flavor.

Tanqueray Gin

Tanqueray gin is a premium gin that is known for its bold and distinctive flavor. It has a dry taste that is perfect for cocktails. In the Pink Elephant, Tanqueray gin adds a unique flavor profile that complements the sweetness of the cream soda.

Soda and Cream Soda

Soda and cream soda are both essential ingredients in the Pink Elephant cocktail. The soda provides a light and refreshing carbonation that balances the sweetness of the cream soda. The cream soda adds a creamy texture and a sweet vanilla flavor to the overall taste of the drink.

How to Garnish

Garnishing a Pink Elephant cocktail is an art form. A well-garnished drink not only looks appealing but also enhances the overall taste of the cocktail. Here are some tips for garnishing a Pink Elephant:

  • Add a slice of lemon or lime to the rim of the glass for a pop of color and flavor.
  • Use a metal straw or teaspoon to stir the drink properly before serving.
  • Add a sprig of mint or a cherry for a more festive look.


The Pink Elephant cocktail is a versatile drink that can be modified to suit different tastes and preferences. Here are some variations of the classic drink:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin or mocktail version of the Pink Elephant, simply omit the vodka and gin and replace them with a fruit juice of your choice. Pineapple or cranberry juice works well and adds a fruity twist to the classic drink.

Gluten-Free Version

To make a gluten-free version of the Pink Elephant, use a gluten-free cream soda. Brands such as Hansen's or Blue Sky are both gluten-free and make an excellent substitute for regular cream soda.

Vegan Version

To make a vegan version of the Pink Elephant, use a vegan cream soda. Brands such as Zevia or Virgil's are both vegan and make an excellent substitute for regular cream soda.

Keto Version

To make a keto version of the Pink Elephant, use a sugar-free cream soda. Brands such as Zevia or Diet Hansen's are both keto-friendly and make an excellent substitute for regular cream soda.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Pink Elephant, use a diet cream soda. Brands such as Diet Hansen's or Diet A&W are both low in calories and make an excellent substitute for regular cream soda.

More Variations

There are endless variations to the Pink Elephant cocktail. Experiment with different flavors and ingredients to create a unique twist on the classic drink. Some popular variations include adding a splash of fruit juice, using different types of gin or vodka, or adding a flavored syrup.

Common Mistakes When Making

Making a Pink Elephant cocktail is easy, but there are some common mistakes that people often make. Here are some tips to avoid these mistakes:

  • Use a bar spoon to stir the drink properly.
  • Don't overdo the cream soda. Too much cream soda can overpower the other flavors in the drink.
  • Use fresh ingredients whenever possible to ensure the best taste.
  • Don't use cheap vodka or gin. The quality of the alcohol will affect the overall taste of the drink.

In conclusion, the Pink Elephant cocktail is a classic drink that has stood the test of time. Its unique taste and appearance have made it a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts all over the world. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can master the art of making the perfect Pink Elephant cocktail. Whether you prefer the classic version or a variation, this drink is sure to please.

If you are going to order Do the Pink, the Pink Elephant in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Do the Pink, the Pink Elephant can be served with different ingredients in different places.