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Hot Tamale Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Spice up your night with a Hot Tamale Drink Recipe! Made with fiery cinnamon schnapps and sweet fruit punch, this easy-to-make cocktail will have your taste buds dancing. Perfect for beginner bartenders looking to impress their guests. Try it now!

Hot Tamale Ingredients

Hot Tamale Recipe

  1. mix ingredients together
  2. pour into glass

The Hot Tamale Cocktail: A Spicy and Sweet Delight

If you're looking for a cocktail that's both sweet and spicy, the Hot Tamale is the perfect drink for you. This popular cocktail is a favorite among many, and for good reason. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about the Hot Tamale, including its history, ingredients, garnishing, variations, and common mistakes when making it.


The Hot Tamale cocktail has been around for decades, and it's still a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts. It's famous for its sweet and spicy flavors, which are achieved by combining cinnamon schnapps and fruit punch.

The origins of the Hot Tamale are unclear, but it's believed to have originated in the United States. Today, it's a popular drink in many bars and restaurants across the country.

In terms of appearance, the Hot Tamale is a bright red drink that's sure to catch your eye. It's typically served in a tall glass with ice and garnished with a cinnamon stick or a slice of orange.

Ingredient Roles

The Hot Tamale is a simple cocktail that only requires two ingredients: cinnamon schnapps and fruit punch. The cinnamon schnapps is the star of the show, providing the drink with its spicy flavor. Meanwhile, the fruit punch adds a sweet and fruity taste that balances out the spice.

When it comes to choosing the right ingredients for your Hot Tamale, it's important to use quality products. For the cinnamon schnapps, we recommend using Goldschlager or Aftershock, two popular brands that are widely available in the United States. For the fruit punch, any good quality brand will do.

How to Garnish

Garnishing your Hot Tamale is easy and adds an extra touch of flavor and presentation to your drink. The most common garnish for this cocktail is a cinnamon stick, which not only adds to the spicy flavor but also looks great.

To garnish your Hot Tamale, simply place a cinnamon stick in the glass before adding the drink. You can also add a slice of orange or lemon to give it a citrusy twist.


The Hot Tamale is a versatile cocktail that can be adapted to suit different tastes and dietary requirements. Here are some popular variations of the Hot Tamale:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

For a non-alcoholic version of the Hot Tamale, simply replace the cinnamon schnapps with cinnamon syrup, which you can easily make at home. To make the syrup, combine equal parts water and sugar in a saucepan and add cinnamon sticks. Bring to a boil, then let it simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool before using.

Gluten-Free Version

To make a gluten-free version of the Hot Tamale, make sure to use gluten-free fruit punch. Some popular brands include Welch's and Ocean Spray.

Vegan Version

The Hot Tamale is already vegan-friendly, as both cinnamon schnapps and fruit punch are vegan. However, if you're looking to add a twist, you can try using almond milk instead of fruit punch for a nutty and creamy flavor.

Keto Version

For a keto-friendly version of the Hot Tamale, replace the fruit punch with a sugar-free alternative. We recommend using Crystal Light or Mio.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Hot Tamale, use a diet fruit punch and a sugar-free cinnamon schnapps. This will significantly reduce the calorie count of the drink without compromising on flavor.

Common Mistakes When Making

When making a Hot Tamale, there are a few common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure that your cocktail is perfect every time.

One mistake is using too much cinnamon schnapps. While this is the main ingredient in the cocktail, it's important to use it in moderation to avoid overpowering the other flavors.

Another mistake is using low-quality ingredients. As mentioned earlier, using quality products is key to making a delicious Hot Tamale. So make sure to invest in good quality cinnamon schnapps and fruit punch.

Finally, be careful not to over-garnish your Hot Tamale. While a cinnamon stick or a slice of orange adds a nice touch, too many garnishes can overpower the drink and make it look cluttered.

In conclusion, the Hot Tamale cocktail is a spicy and sweet delight that's sure to impress your guests. With its simple ingredients and versatile variations, it's a cocktail that can be adapted to suit any taste or dietary requirement. So why not give it a try at your next cocktail party?

If you are going to order Hot Tamale in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Hot Tamale can be served with different ingredients in different places.