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Lemon Rusky Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Quench your thirst with a zesty Lemon Rusky drink recipe! Made with a perfect blend of lemon-lime soda, tangy lemonade, a hint of sugar, vodka, and white wine, this refreshing concoction will be your go-to drink for any occasion. Impress your guests with your bartending skills and savor every sip of this delightful cocktail. Get the recipe now!

Lemon Rusky Ingredients

Lemon Rusky Recipe

  1. mix ingredients together
  2. prepare glass
  3. top up with White Wine

The Lemon Rusky: A Refreshing and Versatile Cocktail

If you're looking for a refreshing cocktail that's perfect for any occasion, the Lemon Rusky is a great choice. This cocktail is made with lemon-lime soda, lemonade, sugar, vodka, and white wine, making it a sweet and tangy drink that's perfect for sipping on a hot summer day. But the best part about the Lemon Rusky is its versatility. This cocktail can be easily adapted to suit different dietary needs and preferences, making it the perfect drink for everyone to enjoy.


The Lemon Rusky is a relatively new cocktail, with its origins dating back to the early 2000s. It was first created in the United States, specifically in the state of Michigan, where it quickly became a popular drink among locals. The cocktail is known for its bright and cheerful appearance, with its vibrant yellow color and refreshing taste. It's often served at outdoor events like barbecues, picnics, and pool parties, where its light and fruity flavor is perfect for sipping on a hot day.

Ingredient Roles

The key ingredients in a Lemon Rusky are:

  • Lemon-lime soda: This carbonated beverage adds a fizzy texture to the cocktail and helps to balance out the sweetness of the other ingredients.
  • Lemonade: This provides the signature tartness of the cocktail and adds a refreshing citrusy flavor to the drink.
  • Sugar: This is used to sweeten the cocktail and balance out the sour flavors of the lemonade.
  • Vodka: This adds a kick to the cocktail and helps to balance out the sweetness of the other ingredients.
  • White wine: This provides a crisp and refreshing flavor to the cocktail and helps to balance out the sweetness of the lemonade.

How to Garnish

The Lemon Rusky is typically garnished with a slice of lemon or lime and a sprig of fresh mint. This not only adds a pop of color to the cocktail but also enhances the refreshing flavor of the drink.


One of the great things about the Lemon Rusky is its versatility. Here are some variations you can try:

  • Virgin/mocktail version: To make a non-alcoholic version of the Lemon Rusky, simply omit the vodka and white wine and replace them with more lemon-lime soda and lemonade. You can also add a splash of grenadine for extra flavor.
  • Gluten-free version: To make a gluten-free version of the Lemon Rusky, make sure to use a gluten-free vodka and check the labels of your other ingredients to make sure they are also gluten-free.
  • Vegan version: To make a vegan version of the Lemon Rusky, make sure to use a vegan-friendly vodka and check the labels of your other ingredients to make sure they are also vegan-friendly.
  • Keto version: To make a keto-friendly version of the Lemon Rusky, replace the sugar with a keto-friendly sweetener like stevia or erythritol. You can also use a low-carb lemonade mix to reduce the carb count.
  • Low-calorie version: To make a low-calorie version of the Lemon Rusky, use a sugar-free lemonade mix and replace the sugar with a calorie-free sweetener like Splenda or Truvia. You can also use a diet lemon-lime soda to reduce the calorie count.

Common Mistakes When Making

When making a Lemon Rusky, there are a few common mistakes that people often make. Here are some tips to help you avoid them:

  • Using too much sugar: While sugar is an important ingredient in the Lemon Rusky, it's important not to go overboard. Too much sugar can overpower the other flavors in the cocktail and make it too sweet.
  • Using the wrong type of vodka: The type of vodka you use can make a big difference in the flavor of the cocktail. Make sure to use a high-quality vodka that you enjoy drinking on its own.
  • Using flat soda: The carbonation in the lemon-lime soda is an important part of the cocktail's texture. Make sure to use fresh soda that is still fizzy.
  • Not chilling the ingredients: The Lemon Rusky is best served chilled, so make sure to chill all of the ingredients before mixing them together. This will help to ensure that the cocktail is refreshing and crisp.

In conclusion, the Lemon Rusky is a refreshing and versatile cocktail that's perfect for any occasion. With its sweet and tangy flavor and bright appearance, it's sure to be a crowd-pleaser. And with its many variations, it's a drink that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter their dietary needs or preferences. So why not give it a try at your next gathering? Your guests are sure to thank you for it.

If you are going to order Lemon Rusky in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Lemon Rusky can be served with different ingredients in different places.