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Papa Dobles Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Mix up a refreshing Papa Dobles cocktail like a pro with this easy recipe! Made with light white rum, maraschino liqueur, lime and grapefruit juice, sugar syrup, and ice, this drink is perfect for any occasion. Shake it up in a shaker with a strainer and juicer for freshly squeezed juices. Impress your guests with this Cuban-inspired classic.

Papa Dobles Ingredients

Papa Dobles Equipment

  • shaker with strainer - get rid of large pieces of ingredients (ex: fruit parts, seeds)
  • juicer, squeezer manual or automatic - if you mind using fresh juice

Papa Dobles Recipe

  1. consider making fresh Lime juice you can press fruit yourself (be careful - fresh juice stays good only 12 hours)
  2. fill a shaker half full with ice cubes so you can properly chill ingredients
  3. shake till perfectly chilled
  4. serve in glass

The Papa Dobles Cocktail: A Classic Cuban Drink with a Modern Twist

If you are a fan of classic cocktails, you have surely heard of the Papa Dobles. This refreshing drink has been around for almost a century and is famous for its delicious taste and rich history. In this article, we will explore the origins of the Papa Dobles, its ingredients, and variations, as well as provide some tips on how to make it perfectly every time.


The Papa Dobles was created in the 1920s by none other than Ernest Hemingway himself. The story goes that Hemingway was a regular at El Floridita, a famous bar in Havana, Cuba, where he met bartender Constantino Ribalaigua. Hemingway was known for his love of strong drinks, and Ribalaigua created the Papa Dobles to please his demanding palate.

The drink was originally called the "Hemingway Special," but was later renamed the Papa Dobles, which means "double father" in Spanish, in honor of Hemingway's love for the drink. The Papa Dobles is a variation of the classic Daiquiri, but with a few twists that make it unique.

The Papa Dobles is famous for its combination of rum, maraschino liqueur, lime juice, grapefruit juice, and sugar syrup. The drink is served over ice and garnished with a lime wheel. The result is a refreshing and tangy cocktail that is perfect for a hot summer day.

The Papa Dobles has gained popularity over the years, and is now a staple in many bars and restaurants around the world. It is especially popular in the United States, where it is often served at Cuban-themed events and parties.

Ingredient Roles

The Papa Dobles is a simple cocktail, but each ingredient plays an important role in creating its unique flavor. Let's take a closer look at each ingredient and its role in the drink:

  • Rum Light White: The rum is the star of the show in the Papa Dobles. It provides the base for the drink and gives it its signature tropical flavor. Light white rum is preferred for this drink because it has a milder taste that doesn't overpower the other ingredients.

  • Maraschino Liqueur: Maraschino liqueur is made from the distillation of Marasca cherries and is flavored with their pits. It adds a subtle sweetness to the drink and complements the tartness of the lime and grapefruit juices.

  • Lime Juice: Lime juice is a staple in many cocktails and is essential in the Papa Dobles. It provides the drink with a tangy flavor and balances the sweetness of the sugar syrup.

  • Grapefruit Juice: Grapefruit juice is another key ingredient in the Papa Dobles. It adds a refreshing citrus flavor that complements the other ingredients perfectly.

  • Sugar Syrup: Sugar syrup is made from equal parts sugar and water and is used to sweeten the drink. It is important to use a good quality sugar syrup to ensure that the drink is not too sweet.

  • Ice: Ice is used to chill the drink and give it a refreshing texture. It is important to use enough ice to ensure that the drink is properly chilled.

How to Garnish

Garnishing is an important part of making cocktails, and the Papa Dobles is no exception. Here are some tips on how to garnish your Papa Dobles:

  • Lime Wheel: The classic garnish for the Papa Dobles is a lime wheel. Simply cut a slice of lime and place it on the rim of the glass. This adds a pop of color and a hint of lime flavor to the drink.

  • Mint Sprig: For an extra touch of freshness, you can also add a mint sprig to your Papa Dobles. This adds a pleasant aroma and complements the citrus flavors in the drink.

  • Sugar Rim: For a sweeter version of the Papa Dobles, you can rim the glass with sugar. Simply dip the rim of the glass in sugar syrup and then in sugar. This adds a sweet crunch to the drink and makes it even more refreshing.


The Papa Dobles is a versatile cocktail that can be customized to suit different tastes and dietary needs. Here are some variations of the Papa Dobles:

  • Virgin/Mocktail Version: If you want to enjoy the flavors of the Papa Dobles without the alcohol, you can make a virgin version. Simply omit the rum and add extra grapefruit juice and sugar syrup to taste.

  • Gluten-Free Version: The Papa Dobles is naturally gluten-free, but it is important to use gluten-free ingredients to ensure that it is safe for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

  • Vegan Version: The Papa Dobles is vegan-friendly, but it is important to use a vegan-friendly sugar syrup and maraschino liqueur.

  • Keto Version: To make a keto-friendly version of the Papa Dobles, you can use a sugar-free sweetener instead of sugar syrup.

  • Low-Calorie Version: To make a low-calorie version of the Papa Dobles, you can use a low-calorie sweetener and reduce the amount of sugar syrup.

Common Mistakes When Making

Making the perfect Papa Dobles requires some practice and attention to detail. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when making the Papa Dobles:

  • Using Too Much Ice: Using too much ice can dilute the drink and make it less flavorful. It is important to use enough ice to chill the drink, but not too much.

  • Using Poor-Quality Ingredients: Using poor-quality rum, sugar syrup, or other ingredients can affect the flavor of the drink. It is important to use high-quality ingredients to ensure that the Papa Dobles is delicious.

  • Not Shaking the Drink Long Enough: Shaking the drink is important to ensure that the ingredients are well-mixed and the drink is properly chilled. It is important to shake the drink for at least 15 seconds to ensure that it is properly mixed.

  • Not Straining the Drink: Straining the drink is important to remove any large pieces of ingredients, such as fruit parts or seeds. This ensures that the drink is smooth and enjoyable to drink.

In conclusion, the Papa Dobles is a classic cocktail that has stood the test of time. Its refreshing flavor and rich history make it a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts around the world. By following these tips and variations, you can make the perfect Papa Dobles to suit your taste and dietary needs. Cheers!


If you are going to order Papa Dobles in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Papa Dobles can be served with different ingredients in different places.

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