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Pop Rocks Drink recipe

Pint glass

Experience a burst of flavor with our Pop Rocks drink recipe! Featuring Chambord raspberry liqueur, Stolichnaya raspberry vodka, and Red Bull energy drink, this pint glass concoction will have your taste buds popping. Perfect for beginner bartenders looking to impress their adult guests in the USA. Try it now!

Pop Rocks Ingredients

Pop Rocks Recipe

  1. mix ingredients together
  2. prepare Pint glass

Recommend: serve in Pint glass

A standard pint glass is a tall, tapered glass with straight sides. They usually carry 16 ounces, enough for a whole bottle of beer with its foamy head. Pint glasses can be chilled in the freezer.

The Pop Rocks Cocktail: A Unique and Delicious Drink

As a professional bartender, I have had the pleasure of serving and creating many different cocktails over the years. But there is one drink that always catches people's attention: the Pop Rocks Cocktail. This unique and delicious drink is famous for its popping candy garnish and fruity taste. In this article, we’ll explore the popularity, ingredients, garnishing, variations, and common mistakes when making this cocktail.


The Pop Rocks Cocktail is a relatively new addition to the world of cocktails. It was first created in the United States in the late 1990s and quickly gained popularity due to its unique appearance and taste. The drink is known for its popping candy garnish, which adds a fun and playful element to the drink.


The Pop Rocks Cocktail is made up of several different ingredients. The primary ingredients include:

  • 1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur
  • 1/2 oz Stolichnaya raspberry vodka
  • 2 3 oz Red Bull energy drink

These ingredients are mixed together in a pint glass to create the cocktail.

Ingredient Roles

Each ingredient in the Pop Rocks Cocktail plays a crucial role in the overall taste of the drink. The Chambord raspberry liqueur provides a sweet and fruity flavor, while the Stolichnaya raspberry vodka adds a smooth and subtle raspberry taste. The Red Bull energy drink provides a boost of energy and a slightly tangy flavor.

How to Garnish

The most unique aspect of the Pop Rocks Cocktail is its popping candy garnish. To create this garnish, you will need to sprinkle some Pop Rocks candy over the top of the cocktail. As the candy comes in contact with the liquid, it will begin to "pop," creating a fun and interactive experience for the drinker.


The Pop Rocks Cocktail can be easily modified to suit different tastes and dietary requirements. Here are some variations you can try:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a non-alcoholic version of the Pop Rocks Cocktail, simply replace the Chambord raspberry liqueur and Stolichnaya raspberry vodka with raspberry syrup and lemon juice. The Red Bull energy drink can be substituted with a non-caffeinated energy drink or soda water.

Gluten-Free Version

All the ingredients in the Pop Rocks Cocktail are gluten-free, so there are no modifications needed to make a gluten-free version.

Vegan Version

To make a vegan version of the Pop Rocks Cocktail, make sure to use a vegan energy drink. Most energy drinks are vegan, but it’s always best to double-check the ingredients list before purchasing.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the Pop Rocks Cocktail, replace the Red Bull energy drink with a sugar-free energy drink or soda water. The Chambord raspberry liqueur and Stolichnaya raspberry vodka can be replaced with sugar-free raspberry syrup and vodka.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Pop Rocks Cocktail, replace the Red Bull energy drink with a low-calorie energy drink or soda water. The Chambord raspberry liqueur and Stolichnaya raspberry vodka can be replaced with sugar-free raspberry syrup and a low-calorie vodka.

Common Mistakes when Making

When making the Pop Rocks Cocktail, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. Here are some tips to ensure that your drink turns out perfectly:

  • Make sure to add the Pop Rocks candy right before serving. If you add the candy too early, it will begin to dissolve and lose its popping effect.
  • Use a shaker to mix the ingredients together. This will ensure that the flavors are evenly distributed throughout the drink.
  • Don't add too much Red Bull. The energy drink should be used sparingly, as it can overpower the other flavors in the cocktail.
  • Garnish with fresh raspberries if desired, as they will add a nice touch of color and flavor to the drink.

In conclusion, the Pop Rocks Cocktail is a unique and delicious drink that is sure to impress your guests. Whether you prefer the classic recipe or one of the many variations, this cocktail is a great addition to any bar or party. So grab your ingredients and get mixing – it's time to try the Pop Rocks Cocktail for yourself!

If you are going to order Pop Rocks in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Pop Rocks can be served with different ingredients in different places.