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Stump Lifter Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Get ready to lift your spirits with the Stump Lifter drink! This delicious concoction combines vodka, gin, whiskey, brandy, blackberry brandy, cherry brandy, rum, and 7-Up soda for a refreshing and boozy treat. Add a splash of lime juice, grenadine syrup, and orange juice for a burst of flavor. Don't have fresh juice? No problem! Use a juicer or manual squeezer for easy prep. Perfect for any beginner bartender looking to impress their guests. Try the Stump Lifter today!

Stump Lifter Ingredients

Stump Lifter Equipment

  • juicer, squeezer manual or automatic - if you mind using fresh juice

Stump Lifter Recipe

  1. optionally make fresh Lime juice you can squeeze the juice yourself (once squeezed, fresh juice lasts good about 12 hours)
  2. stir the ingredients together with ice
  3. prepare glass

The Stump Lifter: A Classic Cocktail That Never Goes Out of Style

As a professional bartender, I’ve served countless cocktails to my customers. However, there is one drink that has always stood out to me - the Stump Lifter. This classic cocktail is a favorite amongst many and has been around for quite some time. In this blog post, I will be discussing the popularity of the Stump Lifter, the role of ingredients, how to garnish, variations, and common mistakes to avoid when making this delicious drink.


The Stump Lifter has a rich history and has been a popular drink for many years. It is believed to have originated in the southern United States and is named after the practice of using a “stump lifter” to remove tree stumps from the ground. The cocktail is famous for its unique blend of ingredients, which includes vodka, gin, whiskey, brandy, blackberry brandy, cherry brandy, and rum. These ingredients are then mixed with 7-Up soda, lime juice, grenadine syrup, and orange juice, resulting in a sweet and tangy flavor.

The Stump Lifter has become popular across the United States and is a common drink served in bars and restaurants. Its popularity has also spread to other parts of the world, with many people enjoying the cocktail for its unique taste and refreshing qualities. The Stump Lifter has also made appearances in various movies and TV shows, further cementing its place in popular culture.

Ingredient Roles

Each ingredient in the Stump Lifter plays a specific role in creating its unique flavor. The vodka, gin, whiskey, brandy, blackberry brandy, and rum provide the base of the cocktail, adding depth and complexity to the drink. The 7-Up soda adds a refreshing carbonation, while the lime juice and orange juice provide a tangy and citrusy flavor. The grenadine syrup adds a touch of sweetness, and the cherry brandy and blackberry brandy bring out the fruity notes of the cocktail.

When making the Stump Lifter, it’s important to use high-quality ingredients to ensure that the cocktail tastes as good as possible. Brands such as Grey Goose, Hendrick’s, and Crown Royal are excellent choices for the base spirits, while Schweppes or Sprite can be used as a substitute for 7-Up soda. For the lime juice and orange juice, fresh juice is always preferred, but if you’re short on time, bottled juice can be used as well.

How to Garnish

Garnishing can take a cocktail from good to great, and the Stump Lifter is no exception. A simple garnish of lime wedges and cherries can add a pop of color to the cocktail and make it look more appealing. To garnish the Stump Lifter, cut a lime into wedges and place them on the rim of the glass. Then, add a few cherries on top of the lime wedges. This simple garnish not only adds to the presentation of the cocktail but also provides a burst of fruity flavor when consumed.


The Stump Lifter is a versatile cocktail that can be modified to suit a variety of dietary restrictions and preferences. Here are some popular variations of the cocktail:

  • Virgin/mocktail version: To make a non-alcoholic version of the Stump Lifter, simply omit the base spirits and replace the 7-Up soda with lemon-lime soda or club soda. Add extra lime juice and grenadine syrup to compensate for the missing flavors.
  • Gluten-free version: The Stump Lifter is already gluten-free, but if you’re looking for a gluten-free alternative to the 7-Up soda, try using Zevia or San Pellegrino.
  • Vegan version: The Stump Lifter is vegan-friendly, but ensure that the grenadine syrup you’re using doesn’t contain any animal products. Monin and Torani are two popular brands that produce vegan grenadine syrups.
  • Keto version: The Stump Lifter is not keto-friendly due to the high sugar content. However, you can use sugar-free versions of the 7-Up soda and grenadine syrup to reduce the carb count.
  • Low-calorie version: To make a low-calorie version of the Stump Lifter, use a low-calorie 7-Up soda or replace it with club soda. Reduce the amount of grenadine syrup used and add in some stevia or other low-calorie sweeteners.
  • More variations: You can also experiment with different types of fruit juices or change the ratios of the ingredients to create your own unique version of the Stump Lifter.

Common Mistakes When Making

When making the Stump Lifter, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. Firstly, using low-quality ingredients can result in a subpar cocktail. Always use high-quality spirits and fresh juices to ensure that the cocktail tastes as good as possible.

Another common mistake is not measuring the ingredients correctly. The Stump Lifter requires precise measurements, and adding too much or too little of an ingredient can throw off the balance of the cocktail. Use a jigger or measuring cup to ensure that the ingredients are added in the correct amounts.

Lastly, not shaking the cocktail properly can result in a lack of flavor and a flat drink. Ensure that you shake the cocktail vigorously for at least 10 seconds to mix all of the ingredients together and create a frothy texture.


The Stump Lifter is a classic cocktail that has stood the test of time. Its unique blend of ingredients and refreshing taste make it a popular drink amongst many. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can create the perfect Stump Lifter every time. Whether you’re looking for a gluten-free or low-calorie version of the cocktail, the Stump Lifter can be modified to suit a variety of dietary needs and preferences. So why not give it a try and see why it’s been a favorite for so many years?

If you are going to order Stump Lifter in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Stump Lifter can be served with different ingredients in different places.