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Absolut Limousine Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Get ready to impress your guests with the refreshing taste of Absolut Limousine drink. Made with 2 oz of Absolut Citron vodka and 1 oz of fresh lime juice, this cocktail is perfect for any occasion. Simply mix the ingredients with ice and top off with tonic water for a fizzy finish. Don't have a juicer? No problem. Use a manual or automatic squeezer for that fresh lime juice taste. Perfect for the beginning bartender looking to impress.

Absolut Limousine Ingredients

Absolut Limousine Equipment

  • juicer, squeezer manual or automatic - if you mind using fresh juice

Absolut Limousine Recipe

  1. consider making fresh Lime juice you can press fruit yourself (be careful - fresh juice stays good only 12 hours)
  2. stir the ingredients together with ice
  3. pour into glass

How to Make the Perfect Absolut Limousine Cocktail

As a professional bartender, I have come across many cocktail recipes, but none is as popular and versatile as the Absolut Limousine cocktail. This cocktail is a refreshing blend of Absolut Citron vodka, lime juice, and tonic water. In this article, I will share everything you need to know about the Absolut Limousine cocktail, from its popularity, ingredient roles, variations, and common mistakes when making it.


The Absolut Limousine cocktail is a classic cocktail that has been around for many years. This cocktail originated in the United States, and it is known for its refreshing taste and versatility. It is a popular cocktail in many bars and restaurants, and it is a favorite among many cocktail enthusiasts.

The Absolut Limousine cocktail is famous for its citrusy flavor, which comes from the Absolut Citron vodka and lime juice. This cocktail is also known for its appearance, which is a light green color. The tonic water gives this cocktail a slight bitterness and effervescence, making it a refreshing drink to sip on.

Ingredient Roles

The Absolut Limousine cocktail is made up of three main ingredients, Absolut Citron vodka, lime juice, and tonic water. Each of these ingredients plays a critical role in giving this cocktail its unique taste.

Absolut Citron Vodka

Absolut Citron vodka is the base spirit used in the Absolut Limousine cocktail. This vodka is made from natural ingredients, including citrus fruits, and it has a smooth and clean taste. The citrusy flavor of the vodka pairs perfectly with the lime juice, giving this cocktail its signature taste.

Lime Juice

Freshly squeezed lime juice is used in the Absolut Limousine cocktail to give it a bright and citrusy flavor. The lime juice also adds a slightly sour taste, which balances the sweetness of the tonic water. When making this cocktail, it is essential to use freshly squeezed lime juice to get the best flavor.

Tonic Water

Tonic water is used in the Absolut Limousine cocktail to give it a slight bitterness and effervescence. The quinine in the tonic water also pairs well with the citrus flavors of the vodka and lime juice. When choosing tonic water, it is essential to choose a high-quality brand that is not too sweet.

How to Garnish

Garnishing a cocktail is an essential step in making it look more appetizing and appealing. When it comes to the Absolut Limousine cocktail, a simple lime wedge is all you need to garnish it. Simply cut a lime wedge and place it on the rim of the glass. This adds a pop of color and a citrusy aroma to the cocktail.


The Absolut Limousine cocktail is a versatile cocktail that can be adapted to suit different tastes and preferences. Here are some variations of the Absolut Limousine cocktail that you can try:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin or mocktail version of the Absolut Limousine cocktail, simply omit the Absolut Citron vodka and replace it with a citrus-flavored soda or juice. The rest of the ingredients remain the same, and you will still get the refreshing taste of the original cocktail.

Gluten-Free Version

The Absolut Limousine cocktail is gluten-free, as all the ingredients used are gluten-free. However, if you are allergic to gluten, it is essential to choose a gluten-free brand of tonic water.

Vegan Version

The Absolut Limousine cocktail is vegan, as all the ingredients used are plant-based. However, it is essential to check the labels of the tonic water and vodka to ensure that they are vegan-friendly.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the Absolut Limousine cocktail, replace the tonic water with sparkling water or diet tonic water. This will reduce the carb count of the cocktail, making it suitable for those on a keto diet.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Absolut Limousine cocktail, use a low-calorie tonic water and reduce the amount of Absolut Citron vodka used. This will reduce the calorie count of the cocktail, making it a healthier option.

More Variations

There are many other variations of the Absolut Limousine cocktail that you can try, such as adding different flavors of vodka or using different types of citrus fruits. The possibilities are endless, and you can experiment until you find the perfect variation for you.

Common Mistakes When Making

When making the Absolut Limousine cocktail, there are a few common mistakes that you should avoid to get the best flavor. Here are some of the mistakes to watch out for:

Using Too Much Tonic Water

Using too much tonic water can overpower the other flavors in the cocktail, making it taste too sweet or too bitter. It is essential to measure the amount of tonic water used to get the perfect balance of flavors.

Using Bottled Lime Juice

Using bottled lime juice instead of freshly squeezed lime juice can affect the taste of the cocktail. Bottled lime juice often contains preservatives that can affect the flavor of the cocktail. It is essential to use freshly squeezed lime juice to get the best taste.

Choosing Low-Quality Ingredients

Choosing low-quality vodka or tonic water can affect the taste of the cocktail. It is essential to choose high-quality ingredients to get the best flavor.

In conclusion, the Absolut Limousine cocktail is a classic cocktail that is loved by many. With its refreshing taste and versatility, it is a great cocktail to sip on any occasion. By following the tips and variations outlined in this article, you can make the perfect Absolut Limousine cocktail every time.

If you are going to order Absolut Limousine in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Absolut Limousine can be served with different ingredients in different places.