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Babies Brain Shot Drink recipe

Shot glass

Get ready to impress your friends with the ultimate party trick - the Babies Brain Shot! This creamy and delicious drink combines 50ml of Whisky Cream with 10ml of Blackcurrant Syrup Ribena, served in a classic shot glass. Perfect for beginning bartenders looking to impress their guests with a unique and tasty drink. Try it now!

Babies Brain Shot Ingredients

Babies Brain Shot Recipe

  1. mix ingredients together
  2. prepare Shot glass

Recommend: serve in Shot glass

At the bar, the shot glass is a well-known glass. They are available in a range of styles, shapes, and sizes. Shot glasses come in helpful for measuring out cocktail components. The typical shot size is 1.5 ounces (oz).

The Ultimate Guide to Babies Brain Shot

As a professional bartender, I have served many cocktails, but one that always stands out in popularity is the Babies Brain Shot. This cocktail has a unique appearance and flavor that appeals to many people. In this guide, we will explore the history, ingredients, garnishing, variations, and common mistakes when making Babies Brain Shot.



The Babies Brain Shot is a relatively new cocktail that gained popularity in the late 2000s. It is believed to have originated in the United Kingdom, specifically in Liverpool. The drink was initially served as a Halloween-themed cocktail due to its spooky appearance. However, it has since become a popular cocktail, enjoyed year-round.


The appearance of the Babies Brain Shot is what sets it apart from other cocktails. The cocktail is typically served in a shot glass and has a layered effect that resembles a brain. The bottom layer is a deep purple color, while the top layer is a creamy white.

Famous For

The Babies Brain Shot is famous for its unique appearance and creamy taste. It is a favorite among Halloween party-goers and is often served at themed parties. However, it has become a staple in many bars and is enjoyed by people of all ages.


The Babies Brain Shot is popular in many parts of the world, but it is most commonly served in the United Kingdom and the United States. It has gained popularity in recent years and can now be found in bars and restaurants worldwide.

Ingredient Roles

The Babies Brain Shot is made up of two main ingredients; Whisky Cream and Blackcurrant Syrup Ribena. Whisky Cream is a rich, creamy liqueur that has a smooth flavor and pairs well with the blackcurrant syrup. The blackcurrant syrup adds a sweet, fruity flavor to the cocktail and gives it its signature color.

How to Garnish

The Babies Brain Shot is typically served without a garnish. However, you can add a small amount of whipped cream to the top of the shot glass to enhance the creamy flavor of the cocktail.


Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin or mocktail version of the Babies Brain Shot, simply omit the Whisky Cream and replace it with heavy cream or a non-dairy alternative. You can also use a blackcurrant-flavored soda or syrup instead of the Blackcurrant Syrup Ribena.

Gluten-Free Version and Ingredients

The Babies Brain Shot is gluten-free, as neither Whisky Cream nor Blackcurrant Syrup Ribena contains gluten. However, be sure to check the labels of the ingredients to ensure they are gluten-free.

Vegan Version

To make a vegan version of the Babies Brain Shot, replace the Whisky Cream with a non-dairy alternative, such as coconut cream or almond milk. Use a blackcurrant-flavored syrup or soda that is also vegan-friendly.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the Babies Brain Shot, use heavy cream instead of Whisky Cream and a sugar-free blackcurrant syrup. Be sure to check the labels of the ingredients to ensure they are keto-friendly.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Babies Brain Shot, use a low-fat cream and a sugar-free blackcurrant syrup. You can also reduce the amount of syrup used to lower the calorie count.

More Variations

You can add a splash of vodka or gin to the cocktail to give it an extra kick. You can also experiment with different flavors of syrup to create your own unique version of the Babies Brain Shot.

Common Mistakes When Making

One common mistake when making the Babies Brain Shot is not layering the ingredients correctly. The blackcurrant syrup should be poured into the shot glass first, followed by the Whisky Cream. If the ingredients are not layered correctly, the cocktail will not have the signature brain-like appearance.

Another common mistake is using too much syrup, which can overpower the flavor of the cocktail. Be sure to use the recommended amount of syrup to achieve the perfect balance of flavors.

In conclusion, the Babies Brain Shot is a popular and unique cocktail that has gained popularity in recent years. It is easy to make and can be customized to suit different dietary needs. By following the tips and variations outlined in this guide, you can make the perfect Babies Brain Shot every time. Cheers!

If you are going to order Babies Brain Shot in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Babies Brain Shot can be served with different ingredients in different places.