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Blockbuster Breeze Drink recipe

Rocks glass

Get ready to impress your guests with the Blockbuster Breeze drink recipe! This refreshing cocktail combines 1 oz of coconut rum, 1/2 oz of Triple Sec, and Sprite or Lemon Lime Soda for a perfect summer sip. Garnish with a wedge of lime and stir with a metal straw or bar spoon for added flair. Serve in a rocks glass and get ready to be the star bartender of the night!

Blockbuster Breeze Ingredients

Blockbuster Breeze Equipment

  • metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly, if you want to be a pro: use bar spoon

Blockbuster Breeze Recipe

  1. stir the ingredients together with ice
  2. fill Rocks glass full with ice
  3. garnish with Lime if desired

Recommend: serve in Rocks glass

It's also called a "lowball", "whiskey" or "old-fashioned" glass. The bottom of old-fashioned glass is thick. Rocks glasses carry between 6 and 8 ounces.

The Blockbuster Breeze: A Tropical Classic

The Blockbuster Breeze is a refreshing and fruity cocktail that is perfect for a hot summer day or a tropical getaway. This cocktail has a long history and is famous for its delicious taste and beautiful appearance. In this article, we will delve into the popularity, ingredients, garnishing, variations, and common mistakes when making the Blockbuster Breeze.


History and Origins

The Blockbuster Breeze has a long history that can be traced back to the 1920s when rum was becoming popular in the United States. The cocktail was originally called the "Bermuda Rum Swizzle," and it was a favorite among sailors and navy personnel stationed in Bermuda. The original recipe consisted of rum, lime juice, and a variety of spices, which were mixed together in a swizzle stick.

Famous For

The Blockbuster Breeze is famous for its tropical flavor and beautiful appearance. The cocktail is a perfect blend of coconut rum and Triple Sec, which gives it a sweet and tangy taste. The addition of Sprite or Lemon Lime soda adds a bit of fizz, making it a refreshing drink. The lime wedge and garnish also add a pop of color to the drink, making it visually appealing.


The Blockbuster Breeze is a popular cocktail in tropical regions such as the Caribbean, Hawaii, and Florida. It is also a favorite among tourists who want to experience a taste of the tropics. Due to its popularity, the Blockbuster Breeze can be found in most bars and restaurants that serve cocktails.


The Blockbuster Breeze is a beautiful cocktail that is served in a rocks glass. The drink is light pink in color and has a frothy texture due to the addition of soda. The lime wedge and garnish add a pop of green color to the drink, making it visually appealing.

Ingredient Roles

The Blockbuster Breeze is a simple cocktail that requires only a few ingredients. Each ingredient plays a crucial role in creating the unique taste of the cocktail.

Coconut Rum

The main ingredient in the Blockbuster Breeze is coconut rum. The coconut flavor adds a tropical twist to the cocktail and gives it a sweet taste. The coconut rum also blends well with the other ingredients, creating a smooth and well-balanced drink.

Triple Sec

Triple Sec is a type of orange-flavored liqueur that is used in many cocktails. In the Blockbuster Breeze, Triple Sec adds a tangy flavor to the cocktail and balances out the sweetness of the coconut rum.

Sprite or Lemon Lime Soda

Sprite or Lemon Lime Soda adds a bit of fizz to the cocktail, making it a refreshing drink. The soda also helps to balance out the sweetness of the coconut rum and Triple Sec.

Lime Wedge and Garnish

The lime wedge and garnish add a pop of color to the drink and enhance the flavor of the cocktail. The lime wedge is squeezed into the drink to add a tangy flavor, while the garnish is used to make the drink visually appealing.

How to Garnish

Garnishing the Blockbuster Breeze is an important step in making the cocktail visually appealing. Here are the steps to garnish the cocktail:

  1. Cut a lime wedge and set it aside.
  2. Take the rocks glass and fill it with ice.
  3. Pour the cocktail into the glass.
  4. Place the lime wedge on the rim of the glass.
  5. Add the garnish to the drink.

For the garnish, you can use a lime wheel or a slice of fresh coconut. You can also add a colorful straw or an umbrella to make the drink more appealing.


The Blockbuster Breeze can be customized to suit different tastes and dietary requirements. Here are some variations of the cocktail:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin version of the Blockbuster Breeze, simply omit the rum and Triple Sec and replace it with a non-alcoholic coconut-flavored syrup. You can also add a bit of orange juice and lime juice to balance out the sweetness.

Gluten-Free Version and Ingredients

The Blockbuster Breeze is naturally gluten-free, but you should always check the labels of the ingredients you use to make sure they are gluten-free. You can also replace the Triple Sec with a gluten-free orange liqueur.

Vegan Version

The Blockbuster Breeze is vegan-friendly as it does not contain any animal products. However, you should always check the labels of the ingredients you use to make sure they are vegan-friendly.

Keto Version

To make a keto version of the Blockbuster Breeze, replace the Sprite or Lemon Lime soda with a sugar-free soda. You can also use a low-carb coconut flavored syrup instead of coconut rum.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Blockbuster Breeze, use a sugar-free soda and replace the coconut rum with a low-calorie coconut-flavored syrup. You can also use a low-calorie orange liqueur instead of Triple Sec.

Common Mistakes when Making

Making the Blockbuster Breeze is easy, but there are some common mistakes that you should avoid. These mistakes can affect the taste and appearance of the cocktail. Here are some common mistakes when making the cocktail:

Using the Wrong Type of Rum

Using the wrong type of rum can affect the taste of the cocktail. You should always use coconut rum to get the unique tropical flavor of the Blockbuster Breeze.

Not Stirring Properly

The Blockbuster Breeze should be stirred properly to ensure that all the ingredients are well mixed. Use a metal straw or a bar spoon to stir the cocktail, making sure that the soda is well blended.

Using Too Much Lime Juice

Using too much lime juice can overpower the other flavors in the cocktail and make it too tangy. Only use a lime wedge to add a bit of tangy flavor to the drink.


Over-garnishing the Blockbuster Breeze can make it look messy and unappealing. Use a lime wedge and a simple garnish to enhance the appearance of the cocktail.

In conclusion, the Blockbuster Breeze is a classic tropical cocktail that is perfect for any occasion. With its unique blend of coconut rum, Triple Sec, and soda, it is a refreshing drink that is easy to make. By following the tips in this article, you can make the perfect Blockbuster Breeze every time. Cheers!

If you are going to order Blockbuster Breeze in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Blockbuster Breeze can be served with different ingredients in different places.

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