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Blue Lagoon Tsunami Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Make a splash at your next party with a Blue Lagoon Tsunami! This vibrant cocktail features a perfect blend of light white rum, blue curacao, absinthe, pineapple and lime juices, vanilla syrup, and egg white. Just shake it all up with ice and strain for a refreshing drink that's sure to impress. Don't have a juicer? No problem! Use either a manual or automatic squeezer to get the freshest juice possible. Perfect for beginning bartenders looking to impress their guests with a delicious and eye-catching drink. Mix one up today!

Blue Lagoon Tsunami Ingredients

Blue Lagoon Tsunami Equipment

  • shaker with strainer - get rid of large pieces of ingredients (ex: fruit parts, seeds)
  • juicer, squeezer manual or automatic - if you mind using fresh juice

Blue Lagoon Tsunami Recipe

  1. optionally make fresh Lime juice you can squeeze the juice yourself (once squeezed, fresh juice lasts good about 12 hours)
  2. fill a shaker halfway with ice cubes to cool the ingredients properly
  3. shake till perfectly chilled
  4. prepare glass

The Blue Lagoon Tsunami is a popular cocktail that has been enjoyed by many for decades. This refreshing drink is known for its bright blue color, sweet and sour taste, and a hint of absinthe. In this article, we will discuss the history, origins, ingredients, garnishing, variations, and common mistakes when making the Blue Lagoon Tsunami.


The Blue Lagoon Tsunami is a cocktail that has been around for several decades, and its origins are not entirely clear. However, the cocktail is widely known and enjoyed in many parts of the world, especially in tropical regions. The drink is famous for its vibrant blue color, which is achieved by adding blue curacao to the mix.

The Blue Lagoon Tsunami is often served in tall glasses, which showcase the drink's beautiful color. The cocktail is also popular for its sweet and sour taste, which is achieved by adding pineapple syrup and lime juice. The hint of absinthe adds a unique flavor to the mix and gives the drink a slight kick.

Ingredient Roles

To make a Blue Lagoon Tsunami, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 45 ml light white rum
  • 15 ml blue curacao
  • 10 ml absinthe
  • 5 ml pineapple syrup
  • 10 ml lime juice
  • 5 ml vanilla syrup
  • 10 ml egg white
  • 100 ml ice

The rum is the base spirit in this cocktail, and it provides the drink with its alcoholic kick. The blue curacao adds the drink's signature blue color, and it also provides a sweet and fruity taste. The absinthe adds a unique flavor to the mix and gives the drink a slight kick. The pineapple syrup and lime juice provide the drink with its sweet and sour taste, while the egg white gives the drink a frothy texture.

How to Garnish

The Blue Lagoon Tsunami is often garnished with a slice of pineapple or lime to give it a more tropical feel. You can also add a cherry or a sprig of mint to the drink to add some color and flavor.


The Blue Lagoon Tsunami can be easily modified to suit different dietary needs and preferences. Here are some variations of the cocktail that you can try:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a non-alcoholic version of the Blue Lagoon Tsunami, simply omit the rum and absinthe from the recipe. You can replace the rum with coconut water or pineapple juice to give the drink a tropical flavor.

Gluten-Free Version

The Blue Lagoon Tsunami is naturally gluten-free, as it does not contain any gluten-containing ingredients. However, you should always check the labels of the ingredients you are using to ensure that they are gluten-free.

Vegan Version

To make a vegan version of the Blue Lagoon Tsunami, simply omit the egg white from the recipe. You can replace it with aquafaba, which is the liquid from a can of chickpeas.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the Blue Lagoon Tsunami, you can replace the pineapple syrup and vanilla syrup with sugar-free alternatives. You can also use a sugar-free blue curacao to reduce the carb count.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Blue Lagoon Tsunami, you can replace the rum with vodka or gin, which are lower in calories. You can also reduce the amount of syrup used in the recipe.

Common Mistakes when Making

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when making the Blue Lagoon Tsunami:

  • Not shaking the cocktail properly: To achieve the frothy texture of the Blue Lagoon Tsunami, you need to shake the cocktail vigorously for at least 15 seconds.
  • Using too much ice: Using too much ice can dilute the cocktail and make it taste watery. Use the recommended amount of ice in the recipe.
  • Using low-quality ingredients: To make a good Blue Lagoon Tsunami, you need to use high-quality ingredients. Use fresh juices and good-quality spirits for the best results.
  • Not straining the cocktail properly: To get rid of any large pieces of ingredients, such as fruit parts or seeds, you need to strain the cocktail properly using a strainer.

In conclusion, the Blue Lagoon Tsunami is a refreshing cocktail that is enjoyed by many. This cocktail is perfect for hot summer days and tropical getaways. By following the recipe and tips provided in this article, you can make a perfect Blue Lagoon Tsunami every time.

If you are going to order Blue Lagoon Tsunami in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Blue Lagoon Tsunami can be served with different ingredients in different places.

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