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Charter Peachford Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Indulge in the sweet and spicy flavors of the Charter Peachford cocktail! Made with Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps, Jagermeister herbal liqueur, and Midori melon liqueur, this drink is perfect for adventurous taste buds. Impress your guests with this easy-to-make recipe and elevate your bartending skills today!

Charter Peachford Ingredients

Charter Peachford Recipe

Layer with spoon, Goldschlager then Jagermiester and finally Midori. Should have a 3 striped shot.

The Charter Peachford Cocktail: A Guide for Bartenders and Cocktail Enthusiasts

If you're a bartender or a cocktail enthusiast, you might have heard of the Charter Peachford cocktail. This cocktail is a popular choice among drinkers, thanks to its unique combination of sweet and spicy flavors. In this guide, we'll explore the history and popularity of the Charter Peachford cocktail, the role of its ingredients, the different variations of the drink, how to garnish it, and the common mistakes to avoid when making it.


History and Origins

The Charter Peachford cocktail was first introduced in the United States in the early 2000s. Its origins are somewhat shrouded in mystery, but it's rumored that the cocktail was invented by a bartender in Atlanta, Georgia. The name of the cocktail is said to be a nod to the Peachford Mental Health Institute, which is located in Atlanta.

Famous For

The Charter Peachford cocktail is famous for its bold and unique flavors. The combination of Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps, Jagermeister herbal liqueur, and Midori melon liqueur creates a sweet and spicy taste that's hard to forget. The cocktail is also known for its distinct green color, which comes from the Midori liqueur.


The Charter Peachford cocktail is primarily popular in the United States, although it has gained some popularity in other parts of the world as well.


The Charter Peachford cocktail has a bright green color, thanks to the Midori melon liqueur. It's typically served in a short glass, such as a rocks glass, and garnished with a slice of fresh melon or a cherry.

Ingredient Roles

The Charter Peachford cocktail is made up of three main ingredients:

  • Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps
  • Jagermeister herbal liqueur
  • Midori melon liqueur

Each of these ingredients plays a specific role in creating the unique flavor of the Charter Peachford cocktail.

The Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps adds a spicy kick to the cocktail, thanks to its cinnamon flavor. The Jagermeister herbal liqueur brings a complex blend of flavors to the drink, including anise, licorice, and citrus. Finally, the Midori melon liqueur adds a sweet and fruity taste to balance out the spiciness of the Goldschlager and the complexity of the Jagermeister.

How to Garnish

The Charter Peachford cocktail is typically garnished with a slice of fresh melon or a cherry. To garnish the drink, simply place the fruit on the rim of the glass. You can also use a toothpick to skewer the fruit and place it in the drink.


There are several variations of the Charter Peachford cocktail that cater to different dietary needs and preferences. Some of the most popular variations include:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin or mocktail version of the Charter Peachford cocktail, simply omit the alcohol and replace it with an equal amount of a non-alcoholic alternative. For example, you could use cinnamon syrup instead of Goldschlager, a non-alcoholic herbal liqueur instead of Jagermeister, and a melon-flavored soda instead of Midori.

Gluten-Free Version

All of the ingredients in the Charter Peachford cocktail are gluten-free, so there's no need to make any substitutions.

Vegan Version

The Charter Peachford cocktail is already vegan, as none of the ingredients contain any animal products.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the Charter Peachford cocktail, you'll need to replace the Midori liqueur with a sugar-free melon syrup. You could also use a keto-friendly cinnamon syrup instead of Goldschlager.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Charter Peachford cocktail, you could use a low-calorie sweetener instead of the sugar in the Midori liqueur. You could also use a sugar-free cinnamon syrup instead of Goldschlager.

Common Mistakes When Making

When making a Charter Peachford cocktail, there are a few common mistakes to avoid:

  • Using too much Goldschlager: The cinnamon flavor in Goldschlager can quickly become overpowering, so it's important to use it sparingly.
  • Using too much Jagermeister: Similarly, Jagermeister has a strong flavor that can easily become too much if you use too much of it.
  • Not shaking the ingredients enough: To fully combine the flavors of the ingredients, it's important to shake them thoroughly before serving.
  • Using low-quality ingredients: The Charter Peachford cocktail relies on quality ingredients to create its unique flavor, so it's important to use high-quality spirits and liqueurs.

In conclusion, the Charter Peachford cocktail is a unique and popular drink that's perfect for anyone looking for a sweet and spicy cocktail. By understanding the history and popularity of the drink, the role of its ingredients, the different variations of the drink, how to garnish it, and the common mistakes to avoid when making it, you'll be able to create the perfect Charter Peachford cocktail every time.

If you are going to order Charter Peachford in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Charter Peachford can be served with different ingredients in different places.