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Clementine Martini Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Mix up your cocktail game with this refreshing Clementine Martini recipe! With the perfect blend of Svedka clementine vodka, Orange Curacao liqueur, Triple Sec, and a splash of Cranberry juice, Canada Dry orange soda, and Ginger Ale, this fruity drink is sure to impress. Shaken to perfection with a shaker and strained into a cocktail glass, this drink is perfect for impressing guests or enjoying a night in. Perfect for beginner bartenders looking to impress.

Clementine Martini Ingredients

Clementine Martini Equipment

  • shaker with strainer - get rid of large pieces of ingredients (ex: fruit parts, seeds)

Clementine Martini Recipe

Add the vodka, orange curacao and triple sec to a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into a martini cocktail glass. Float the cranberry juice, then the soda water, the the ginger ale. Garnish with a clementine wedge (if available) or a lightly flamed orange peel twist, and serve.

Recommend: serve in Cocktail glass

The conical shape of the cocktail glass brings to mind martini for most people. Cocktail glasses are for drinks with a volume of 3 to 6 ounces that are usually served "up" without ice.

The Clementine Martini: A Must-Try Cocktail

As a professional bartender, I have served countless cocktails, but one drink that always stands out is the Clementine Martini. This cocktail has gained popularity in recent years due to its unique taste and refreshing flavor. In this article, I will share with you the history and origins of the Clementine Martini, the roles of its ingredients, how to garnish it, and various versions of the drink.


The Clementine Martini has become a popular drink in the United States, thanks to its sweet, citrusy taste. The drink is believed to have originated in the early 2000s in the US, with the exact origin unknown. However, it is speculated that the drink was inspired by the classic Cosmopolitan cocktail.

The Clementine Martini is famous for its vibrant orange color and its refreshing taste. The cocktail is often served in a classic cocktail glass, garnished with a slice of clementine or orange peel.

The drink has gained popularity in many regions of the United States, particularly in coastal areas, where it is a go-to drink for beach parties and summer events.

Ingredient Roles

The Clementine Martini is made using a combination of ingredients, each with its specific role in the drink. Let's take a look at the roles of each ingredient:

  • Svedka Clementine Vodka: The vodka is the base spirit of the cocktail, providing the alcohol content and a subtle citrus flavor.
  • Orange Curacao Liqueur: This liqueur adds a sweet and tangy orange flavor to the drink and balances the tartness from the cranberry juice.
  • Triple Sec: Triple Sec is a type of orange liqueur that adds a strong orange flavor and sweetness to the cocktail.
  • Cranberry Juice: The cranberry juice provides a tart and refreshing flavor to the drink.
  • Canada Dry Orange Soda: This soda adds a sweet and bubbly texture to the cocktail.
  • Ginger Ale: Ginger Ale is added to give the drink a slightly spicy kick and a refreshing fizz.

How to Garnish

The Clementine Martini is garnished with a slice of clementine or orange peel. To garnish the drink, take a slice of clementine or orange peel and run it around the rim of the glass. Then, place the slice on the rim of the glass or drop it into the drink.


The Clementine Martini can be easily adapted to suit different dietary requirements or preferences. Let's take a look at some variations of the drink:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin version of the Clementine Martini, simply omit the vodka, Orange Curacao liqueur, and Triple Sec. Increase the amount of cranberry juice, Canada Dry orange soda, and ginger ale to maintain the balance of flavors.

Gluten-Free Version

To make a gluten-free version of the Clementine Martini, ensure that the vodka and all other ingredients are gluten-free certified. Some popular gluten-free vodka brands in the United States are Tito's Handmade Vodka and Ciroc.

Vegan Version

The Clementine Martini is vegan-friendly as it does not contain any animal products. However, it's essential to check that all ingredients, including the cranberry juice, Canada Dry orange soda, and ginger ale, are vegan-certified.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the Clementine Martini, use a low-carb cranberry juice and orange soda, such as Zevia Orange Soda. Use a sugar-free ginger ale, such as Diet Schweppes Ginger Ale or Zevia Ginger Ale.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Clementine Martini, use a low-calorie cranberry juice and orange soda, such as Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry Juice and Diet Sunkist Orange Soda. Use a low-calorie ginger ale, such as Diet Canada Dry Ginger Ale or Schweppes Diet Ginger Ale.

More Variations

The Clementine Martini can be adapted to suit any taste preference. For example, you can add a splash of lime juice for a tangy twist, or swap the cranberry juice for pomegranate juice for a sweeter flavor.

Common Mistakes when making

There are a few common mistakes to avoid when making the Clementine Martini. Firstly, ensure that all ingredients are fresh and high-quality. Secondly, avoid adding too much ginger ale, as it can overpower the other flavors in the drink. Lastly, be sure to strain the drink thoroughly to get rid of any large pieces of ingredients, such as fruit parts and seeds, that could affect the texture of the drink.

In conclusion, the Clementine Martini is a refreshing and tasty cocktail that has gained popularity in recent years. With its unique blend of citrus flavors and refreshing fizz, it's no surprise why this drink has become a favorite for many. Whether you prefer a classic Clementine Martini or a variation that suits your dietary needs, this cocktail is a must-try for any cocktail lover.

If you are going to order Clementine Martini in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Clementine Martini can be served with different ingredients in different places.