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Earthquake Shooter Drink recipe

Shot glass

Complete drink recipe for Sambuca ๐Ÿพ based cocktail ๐Ÿธ is mixed with 2 extra ingredients ๐Ÿพ: Amaretto, Bourbon in Shot glass

Earthquake Shooter Ingredients

Earthquake Shooter Recipe

Earthquake Shooter is restoring heavy cocktail at 1.6 standard drinks. Layered with 20ml sambuca and 20ml amaretto with 20ml bourbon and best with lunch. Just two shots always share a shot then pour in sambuca into bottom of glass and float amaretto. Float bourbon on top and served in a shot glass at room temperature.

Recommend: serve in Shot glass

At the bar, the shot glass is a well-known glass. They are available in a range of styles, shapes, and sizes. Shot glasses come in helpful for measuring out cocktail components. The typical shot size is 1.5 ounces (oz).

Cheers ! Enjoy your drink !

If you are going to order Earthquake Shooter in a bar, donโ€™t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Earthquake Shooter can be served with different ingredients in different places.