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Peg Leg Drink recipe

Rocks glass

Ahoy, matey! Learn how to make the classic Peg Leg drink like a pro with this easy recipe. This smooth cocktail features a blend of amber rum, black walnut bitters, and sugar syrup, served over ice and garnished with a zesty orange peel. Grab a metal straw or bar spoon, and get ready to impress your guests with your bartending skills!

Peg Leg Ingredients

Peg Leg Equipment

  • metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly, if you want to be a pro: use bar spoon

Peg Leg Recipe

  1. stir the ingredients together with ice
  2. prepare Rocks glass halfway with ice

Recommend: serve in Rocks glass

It's also called a "lowball", "whiskey" or "old-fashioned" glass. The bottom of old-fashioned glass is thick. Rocks glasses carry between 6 and 8 ounces.

The Peg Leg: A Rum-Based Classic Cocktail

Are you a rum lover looking for a classic cocktail to try? Look no further than the Peg Leg. This cocktail has a rich history, versatile ingredients, and a unique appearance that will impress your guests. As a professional bartender, I'm excited to share everything you need to know about this delicious drink.


The Peg Leg is a classic rum-based cocktail that has been around for over a century. The origins of this drink are unclear, but it is said to have been a favorite of sailors and pirates. It's no surprise that the Peg Leg has become famous for its association with seafaring adventures and swashbuckling tales.

Geographically speaking, the Peg Leg is a popular drink in tropical areas and coastal regions. Its refreshing taste makes it a perfect choice for hot summer days or for sipping on the beach.

The Peg Leg's appearance is as unique as its history. It is served in a rocks glass with a metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly. If you want to be a pro, use a bar spoon instead. The drink is garnished with a twist of orange peel, adding a pop of color and a citrusy aroma.

Ingredient Roles

The Peg Leg is a simple cocktail, but each ingredient plays an important role in creating its signature taste. Here's a breakdown of the ingredients and their roles:

  • 60 ml Rum Gold Amber: The main ingredient in the Peg Leg, rum is what gives this cocktail its distinct flavor. Gold amber rum is preferred for this recipe as it has a more complex flavor profile than white rum.
  • 10 ml Bitters Walnut Black: Bitters are a crucial ingredient in many classic cocktails, and the Peg Leg is no exception. The bitters add a bitter and sweet taste that balances out the sweetness of the sugar syrup.
  • 10 ml Sugar Syrup: Simple syrup is a must-have ingredient for any bartender. It's made by dissolving equal parts sugar and water and is used to sweeten cocktails.
  • 100 ml Ice: Ice is essential for any cocktail, and the Peg Leg is no exception. The ice helps to chill and dilute the drink, creating a smoother taste.
  • Orange Peel: The orange peel is used as a garnish, adding a pop of color and a citrusy aroma to the cocktail.

How to Garnish

Garnishing a cocktail is all about adding visual appeal and enhancing the overall flavor of the drink. Here's how to garnish a Peg Leg:

  1. Cut a twist of orange peel and express the oils over the top of the drink.
  2. Curl the twist and place it on the side of the glass.

It's that simple! The orange peel adds a pop of color and a citrusy aroma that complements the sweetness of the cocktail.


The Peg Leg is a versatile cocktail that can be easily adapted to suit different tastes and dietary requirements. Here are a few variations to try:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin version of the Peg Leg, simply omit the rum and increase the amount of sugar syrup to compensate for the lost sweetness. Add a splash of orange juice for a citrusy twist.

Gluten-Free Version

All the ingredients in the Peg Leg are naturally gluten-free, making it a safe option for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Just be sure to check that your rum and bitters are certified gluten-free.

Vegan Version

The Peg Leg is already vegan-friendly as it doesn't contain any animal products. Just be sure to check that your rum and bitters are vegan-friendly and don't contain any animal-derived ingredients.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly version of the Peg Leg, replace the sugar syrup with a keto-friendly sweetener like stevia or erythritol. Be sure to use a gold amber rum that doesn't contain any added sugars.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a lower calorie version of the Peg Leg, simply reduce the amount of sugar syrup or use a sugar-free alternative. You can also use a light rum instead of gold amber rum to reduce the calorie count.

Common Mistakes When Making

When making a Peg Leg, there are a few common mistakes to avoid:

  • Using the wrong type of rum: Gold amber rum is preferred for this recipe as it has a more complex flavor profile than white rum.
  • Not stirring properly: Use a metal straw or bar spoon to stir the cocktail properly. This will ensure that the ingredients are evenly mixed and the drink is properly chilled.
  • Over-diluting the drink: Be careful not to add too much ice or stir the drink too vigorously, as this can result in an over-diluted cocktail.

By avoiding these mistakes, you'll be able to make a delicious Peg Leg that's sure to impress.

In conclusion, the Peg Leg is a classic rum-based cocktail with a rich history and a unique appearance. Its versatile ingredients and variations make it a popular choice for any occasion. As a professional bartender, I highly recommend giving this delicious drink a try. Cheers!

If you are going to order Peg Leg in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Peg Leg can be served with different ingredients in different places.

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