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Remy Martin XO Drink recipe

Short glass

Indulge in the sophisticated flavor of Remy Martin XO with this easy-to-make cocktail recipe. Simply pour 60ml of this premium Cognac into a short glass and savor the rich and smooth taste. Perfect for impressing guests or elevating your own happy hour, make Remy Martin XO your go-to drink of choice.

Remy Martin XO Ingredients

Remy Martin XO Recipe

  1. mix the ingredients together with ice
  2. serve in Short glass

Recommend: serve in Short glass

Often referred to as cordial glasses. These tiny glasses are a traditional way to sip cordials (or liqueurs) straight and are not very common today. They're little, only carrying 2 to 3 ounces. Cordial glasses come in a variety of shapes and sizes; some are tulip-shaped, while others have a bowl shaped like a sour glass.

The Old Fashioned Cocktail: A Classic with Enduring Popularity

If you're looking for a cocktail that has stood the test of time, the Old Fashioned is a great choice. This classic cocktail has been popular for over a century and is still a favorite today. In this article, we'll explore the history and origins of the Old Fashioned, its signature ingredients, how to properly garnish it, and some popular variations. We'll also discuss common mistakes to avoid when making this iconic cocktail.

Popularity of the Old Fashioned

History and Origins

The Old Fashioned cocktail is said to have originated in the early 1800s, making it one of the oldest cocktails still enjoyed today. Originally called the "Whiskey Cocktail," it was a simple drink made with sugar, bitters, water, and whiskey. As the popularity of the cocktail grew, bartenders began to experiment with different ingredients and techniques. By the late 1800s, the Old Fashioned had become a staple in bars across the United States.

Famous for

The Old Fashioned is famous for its simplicity and versatility. It is typically made with whiskey (usually bourbon or rye), sugar, bitters, and a twist of citrus. The combination of sweet, sour, and bitter flavors creates a complex and satisfying taste that has made the Old Fashioned a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts.


While the Old Fashioned is enjoyed all over the world, it has strong ties to the United States, particularly the Midwest. In fact, the cocktail is the official state drink of Wisconsin.


The Old Fashioned is typically served in a short glass, such as an Old Fashioned glass or a rocks glass. It is garnished with a twist of citrus and a cherry.

Ingredient Roles

The Old Fashioned is a simple cocktail, but each ingredient plays an important role in creating its signature flavor.


The whiskey is the star of the show in an Old Fashioned. Bourbon is the most common choice, but rye whiskey can also be used. The whiskey should be high-quality and have a rich, complex flavor.


Traditionally, the Old Fashioned was made with a cube of sugar, which was muddled with bitters and water to create a syrup. These days, simple syrup is often used instead, which makes the cocktail easier to prepare.


Bitters are a key ingredient in the Old Fashioned, providing a complex and slightly bitter flavor. Angostura bitters are the most common choice, but other types of bitters can be used as well.


The citrus twist is a garnish that adds a bright, fresh flavor to the cocktail. Orange or lemon can be used, depending on personal preference.

How to Garnish

Garnishing an Old Fashioned is simple but important. The garnish adds a touch of flavor and aroma to the cocktail, enhancing its overall experience.

To garnish an Old Fashioned, start by peeling a strip of citrus (orange or lemon) with a vegetable peeler. Be sure to only peel the colored part of the citrus, as the white pith can be bitter. Twist the peel over the cocktail to release the oils, then drop it into the glass. Add a cherry for an extra touch of sweetness and color.


The Old Fashioned is a versatile cocktail that can be adapted to suit a variety of tastes and dietary needs. Here are some popular variations:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin or mocktail version of the Old Fashioned, simply omit the whiskey and increase the amount of simple syrup or sugar. You can also add a splash of club soda to mimic the carbonation of the whiskey.

Gluten-Free Version and Ingredients

The traditional ingredients in an Old Fashioned are all gluten-free, but it's important to check the label on any pre-made ingredients to ensure they are gluten-free. For example, some bitters may contain gluten.

Vegan Version

The Old Fashioned is already vegan, as all of its ingredients are plant-based.

Keto Version

To make a keto-friendly Old Fashioned, use a sugar substitute such as stevia or monk fruit instead of simple syrup or sugar. Be sure to choose a high-quality whiskey that is low in carbs.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a lower-calorie Old Fashioned, use a sugar substitute and reduce the amount of simple syrup or sugar. You can also use a low-calorie sweetener, such as agave nectar or honey.

Common Mistakes When Making

Making an Old Fashioned is simple, but there are a few common mistakes to avoid:

Using Poor-Quality Whiskey

The whiskey is the most important ingredient in an Old Fashioned, so it's important to choose a high-quality bottle. Look for a whiskey that has a rich, complex flavor and is well-aged.

Over-Muddling the Sugar

When muddling the sugar or simple syrup, be careful not to overdo it. Over-muddling can make the cocktail too sweet and can also make it cloudy.

Skipping the Garnish

The garnish is an important part of the Old Fashioned, as it adds a touch of flavor and aroma to the cocktail. Don't skip the citrus twist and cherry!

Using Too Much Ice

When making an Old Fashioned, use just enough ice to chill the cocktail. Too much ice can dilute the drink and make it less flavorful.

Shaking the Cocktail

An Old Fashioned should never be shaken, as this can dilute the drink and change its flavor. Instead, it should be stirred gently to mix the ingredients and chill the cocktail.


The Old Fashioned is a classic cocktail that has been enjoyed for over a century. With its simple ingredients and complex flavor, it's easy to see why it has endured as a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts. Whether you prefer a traditional version or a modern twist, there's an Old Fashioned for everyone. Just be sure to avoid common mistakes and use high-quality ingredients to ensure the best possible experience.

If you are going to order Remy Martin XO in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Remy Martin XO can be served with different ingredients in different places.