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Screwball Drink recipe

Rocks glass

Shake up your bartending skills with our Screwball drink recipe! Made with a dash of Grenadine, a twist of Lime, Orange juice, and Vodka, this refreshing concoction is perfect for impressing your guests. Whether you're using a juicer or squeezer, our easy-to-follow instructions will have you serving up this delicious drink in no time. Serve in a Rocks glass and get ready to be the life of the party!

Screwball Ingredients

Screwball Equipment

  • juicer, squeezer manual or automatic - if you mind using fresh juice

Screwball Recipe

  1. optionally make fresh Orange juice you can squeeze the juice yourself (once squeezed, fresh juice lasts good about 12 hours)
  2. mix ingredients together
  3. serve on the rocks

Recommend: serve in Rocks glass

It's also called a "lowball", "whiskey" or "old-fashioned" glass. The bottom of old-fashioned glass is thick. Rocks glasses carry between 6 and 8 ounces.

Screwball: The Perfect Cocktail for Any Occasion

If you're looking for a cocktail that's easy to make, delicious, and a crowd-pleaser, look no further than the Screwball. This classic cocktail has been around for decades and has stood the test of time as a go-to drink for any occasion. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Screwball, including its history, ingredients, variations, common mistakes, and more.


The Screwball cocktail is a classic drink that has been around for over 50 years. It is believed to have originated in the United States, but its exact origins are unknown. The drink is typically served in a rocks glass and is a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts. It's a simple yet refreshing cocktail that is perfect for any occasion.

Ingredient Roles

The Screwball cocktail is made up of four ingredients: grenadine, lime, orange juice, and vodka. Each ingredient plays a crucial role in the overall flavor of the cocktail.

Grenadine is a sweet syrup made from pomegranate juice and is used to add a hint of sweetness to the cocktail. Lime is used to add a tart and tangy flavor, while orange juice adds a refreshing citrus taste. Finally, vodka is the base spirit and provides the drink with its signature kick.

How to Garnish

When it comes to garnishing a Screwball, less is more. A simple twist of lime is all that's needed to add a pop of color and flavor to the cocktail. You can also add a cherry or a small slice of orange if you prefer.


While the classic Screwball recipe is delicious on its own, there are several variations that you can try. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Virgin/Mocktail Version: Simply omit the vodka and add a bit more orange juice for a refreshing non-alcoholic drink.
  • Gluten-Free Version: Ensure that your grenadine and vodka are both gluten-free. Brands such as Tito's Handmade Vodka and Stirrings Grenadine are both gluten-free and widely available in the US.
  • Vegan Version: As long as you use a vegan-friendly vodka, such as Absolut, the Screwball is already vegan.
  • Keto Version: Use a sugar-free grenadine, such as Jordan's Skinny Mixes Grenadine, and a low-carb vodka, such as Ketel One Botanical.
  • Low-Calorie Version: Use a low-calorie vodka, such as Smirnoff, and diet orange juice for a lighter version of the cocktail.

Common Mistakes When Making

When making a Screwball, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. First, ensure that you use fresh juice instead of pre-packaged juice to get the best flavor. Second, don't overdo it with the grenadine, as it can quickly become overpowering. Finally, be sure to measure your ingredients precisely, as too much or too little of any one ingredient can throw off the balance of the cocktail.

In conclusion, the Screwball is a classic cocktail that is perfect for any occasion. With its simple yet delicious flavor profile, it's no wonder that this drink has stood the test of time. Whether you're making the classic recipe or trying out a variation, the Screwball is sure to be a hit among your friends and family. So why not mix up a batch today and enjoy the refreshing taste of this classic cocktail?

If you are going to order Screwball in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Screwball can be served with different ingredients in different places.