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Strawberry Snowball Drink recipe

Highball glass

Indulge in the sweet and refreshing taste of our Strawberry Snowball drink recipe! Made with Advocaat, strawberry liqueur, and Torani syrup, topped with lemon soda and garnished with fresh strawberries. Perfect for any occasion, serve in a highball glass over ice for a delightful summer sip. Impress your guests with this easy-to-make drink, perfect for any beginning bartender in the USA!

Strawberry Snowball Ingredients

Strawberry Snowball Recipe

  1. mix the ingredients together with ice
  2. serve in Highball glass halfway with ice

Recommend: serve in Highball glass

The highball (or hi-ball) and collins glasses have a lot in common. They can both be used for tall beverages and hold the same amount of liquid, which can range from 8 to 16 ounces.

The Strawberry Snowball: A Classic Cocktail with a Twist

As a professional bartender, I’ve had the pleasure of serving many classic cocktails with unique twists. One such cocktail is the Strawberry Snowball – a refreshing drink that’s perfect for any occasion. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing the popularity, ingredients, garnishing techniques, variations, and common mistakes when making this cocktail.


The Strawberry Snowball has a rich history and is believed to have originated in the United States in the 1950s. It gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s due to its sweet and tangy taste. The cocktail is famous for its fruity flavor and eye-catching appearance, making it a perfect drink for summer parties and gatherings.

The cocktail is known for its unique blend of Advocaat, strawberry liqueur, and lemon soda, which gives it its distinct taste. The Strawberry Snowball is also famous for its garnishing technique, which includes adding a fresh strawberry on top of the drink.

Ingredient Roles

The Strawberry Snowball has a few essential ingredients that give it its unique flavor. Here’s a breakdown of the role each ingredient plays in the cocktail:

  • Advocaat: This Dutch liqueur is made from egg yolks, sugar, and brandy. It’s thick and creamy and adds richness to the cocktail.

  • Strawberry liqueur: This sweet liqueur is made from ripe strawberries and adds a fruity flavor to the cocktail.

  • Strawberry Syrup Torani: This syrup adds sweetness to the cocktail and enhances the strawberry flavor.

  • Lemon Soda: This soda adds a tangy flavor to the cocktail and balances out the sweetness of the other ingredients.

  • Ice: The ice cools down the drink and dilutes it to achieve the perfect balance.

  • Strawberry: The fresh strawberry on top of the drink adds an element of freshness and visual appeal to the cocktail.

How to Garnish

Garnishing is an essential part of any cocktail, and the Strawberry Snowball is no exception. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to garnish the cocktail:

  1. Take a highball glass and fill it with ice.

  2. Add the Advocaat, strawberry liqueur, and strawberry syrup to the glass.

  3. Add the lemon soda to the glass and stir gently.

  4. Cut a fresh strawberry in half and place it on the rim of the glass.

  5. Cut another fresh strawberry in half and place it in the glass.

  6. Serve and enjoy!


The Strawberry Snowball can be customized to suit different dietary needs and preferences. Here are some variations of the cocktail:

  • Virgin/Mocktail Version: To make a non-alcoholic version of the cocktail, simply omit the Advocaat and replace the strawberry liqueur with a strawberry-flavored syrup.

  • Gluten-Free Version: To make a gluten-free version of the cocktail, ensure that all the ingredients used are gluten-free. For instance, substitute the Advocaat with a gluten-free liqueur like Baileys Irish Cream.

  • Vegan Version: To make a vegan version of the cocktail, omit the Advocaat and use a vegan alternative like soy cream.

  • Keto Version: To make a keto-friendly version of the cocktail, omit the strawberry syrup and replace the lemon soda with a sugar-free alternative.

  • Low-Calorie Version: To make a low-calorie version of the cocktail, substitute the Advocaat with a low-calorie liqueur and use a low-calorie soda.

Common Mistakes When Making

Making the perfect Strawberry Snowball requires attention to detail and careful preparation. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when making the cocktail:

  • Using too much Advocaat: Advocaat is a thick and creamy liqueur, and using too much of it can overpower the other ingredients.

  • Using flat soda: Using flat soda can make the cocktail taste dull and lifeless.

  • Not garnishing properly: Garnishing is an essential part of the cocktail, and not doing it properly can affect the overall taste and appearance of the drink.

In conclusion, the Strawberry Snowball is a classic cocktail with a unique twist that’s perfect for any occasion. It’s sweet, tangy, and refreshing, and the garnishing technique adds an element of visual appeal. With the variations mentioned above, you can customize the cocktail to suit your dietary needs and preferences. So the next time you’re in the mood for a fruity and refreshing cocktail, give the Strawberry Snowball a try – you won’t be disappointed!


If you are going to order Strawberry Snowball in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Strawberry Snowball can be served with different ingredients in different places.