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B52 Shot Drink recipe

Shot glass

Get a taste of heaven with B52 shot - the ultimate blend of Kahlua, Baileys, and Cointreau. This creamy, citrusy, and boozy shot is perfect for beginners looking to impress their guests. Serve it up in a shot glass and let the good times roll. Try the B52 shot recipe today!

B52 Shot Ingredients

B52 Shot Recipe

B52 Shot is extremely pleasant very strong cocktail at 1.3 standard drinks. Layered with 20ml coffee liqueur kahlua and 20ml whisky cream irish baileys with 20ml orange liqueur cointreau and good with afternoon tea. Just two shots always share a shot then add coffe liquaur and float cream liqueur. Float orange liqueur on top and served in a shot glass at room temperature.

Recommend: serve in Shot glass

At the bar, the shot glass is a well-known glass. They are available in a range of styles, shapes, and sizes. Shot glasses come in helpful for measuring out cocktail components. The typical shot size is 1.5 ounces (oz).

The B52 Shot: A Classic Cocktail That Stands the Test of Time

As a professional bartender, I’ve seen a lot of cocktails come and go. But one that has stood the test of time is the B52 shot. This layered shot is made from three simple ingredients: coffee liqueur, Irish cream, and orange liqueur. It’s easy to make, easy to drink, and always a crowd-pleaser. In this article, we’ll explore the popularity of the B52 shot, the roles of each ingredient, how to garnish the shot, variations of the drink, and common mistakes to avoid when making it.


The B52 shot has a long and fascinating history. It’s named after the B-52 Stratofortress, a long-range strategic bomber used by the United States Air Force. The shot’s three layers are meant to represent the different layers of the bomber. The B52 shot gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s and is still a popular shot today.

The B52 shot has become famous for its appearance. The three layers give it a striking visual appeal, and it’s often served in a shot glass to showcase the layers. It’s also known for its rich, sweet taste, which comes from the combination of coffee liqueur, Irish cream, and orange liqueur.

The B52 shot is a global favorite and can be found in bars and restaurants all over the world. It’s particularly popular in the United States, where it’s often served as a dessert shot after dinner.

Ingredient Roles

Each ingredient in the B52 shot plays a unique role in the drink. Here’s a breakdown of what each ingredient does:

  • Coffee Liqueur: This is the bottom layer of the shot and provides a rich, coffee flavor. Kahlua is the most popular brand of coffee liqueur used in the B52 shot.
  • Irish Cream: This is the middle layer of the shot and provides a creamy, sweet flavor. Baileys is the most popular brand of Irish cream used in the B52 shot.
  • Orange Liqueur: This is the top layer of the shot and provides a sweet, fruity flavor. Cointreau is the most popular brand of orange liqueur used in the B52 shot.

How to Garnish

Garnishing the B52 shot is easy and can add an extra touch of elegance to the drink. Here are a few ways to garnish the shot:

  • Chocolate shavings: Sprinkle chocolate shavings on top of the shot to give it a decadent touch.
  • Orange twist: Garnish the shot with a twist of orange peel to complement the orange liqueur.
  • Whipped cream: Top the shot with a dollop of whipped cream to make it even creamier.


The B52 shot is a versatile drink that can be adapted to suit a variety of dietary needs and preferences. Here are a few variations of the B52 shot:

  • Virgin/Mocktail Version: To make a non-alcoholic version of the B52 shot, simply replace the alcohol with flavored syrups or juices. For example, you could use chocolate syrup, vanilla syrup, and orange juice to create a similar flavor profile.
  • Gluten-Free Version: The B52 shot is naturally gluten-free, but be sure to use a gluten-free brand of Irish cream if you have a gluten allergy.
  • Vegan Version: To make a vegan version of the B52 shot, use a vegan Irish cream alternative, such as Almande or Baileys Almande.
  • Keto Version: To make a keto-friendly version of the B52 shot, replace the coffee liqueur with cold brew coffee and use a sugar-free Irish cream alternative.
  • Low-Calorie Version: To make a lower calorie version of the B52 shot, use a sugar-free Irish cream alternative and a low-calorie orange liqueur, such as Cointreau Light.

Common Mistakes When Making

While the B52 shot is a relatively simple drink to make, there are a few common mistakes to avoid:

  • Pouring the layers too quickly: Take your time when pouring the layers to ensure they stay separate. Pour each layer slowly over the back of a spoon to create a smooth separation between each layer.
  • Using the wrong proportions: The B52 shot is traditionally made with equal parts of each ingredient, but some bartenders may use different proportions. Stick to the classic recipe to ensure the best flavor.
  • Using the wrong type of glass: The B52 shot should be served in a shot glass to showcase the layers. Using the wrong type of glass can result in a messy, unappealing shot.

In conclusion, the B52 shot is a classic cocktail that has stood the test of time for good reason. It’s easy to make, delicious to drink, and can be adapted to suit a variety of dietary needs and preferences. Whether you’re enjoying it at a bar or making it at home, be sure to take your time when pouring the layers and use the right proportions to ensure the best flavor. Cheers!

If you are going to order B52 Shot in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. B52 Shot can be served with different ingredients in different places.