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Bitcoin Drink recipe

Martini glass

Complete drink recipe for Vodka Gold Smirnoff ๐Ÿพ based cocktail ๐Ÿธ is mixed with 5 extra ingredients ๐Ÿพ: Rum Gold Amber, passion-fruit juice, Bitters Elemakule Tiki, Ice, Dust Gold in Martini glass

Bitcoin Ingredients

Bitcoin Equipment

  • kitchen strainer - dispose of fruit pieces
  • metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly, if you want to be a pro: use bar spoon

Bitcoin Recipe

Bitcoin is velsmagende very strong cocktail at 2.2 standard drinks. Stirred with 30ml vodka gold smirnoff and 30ml rum gold amber with 30ml passion fruit juice as well as 10ml bitters elemakule tiki including 100ml ice and best with an entree or small snack. Just make line of bitters on inside of glass then add ice to mixing glass and add ingredients to mixing glass. Stir well and float strain into glass and garnish with coin shape with gold dust and served in a martini glass cold.

Recommend: serve in Martini glass

Cheers ! Enjoy your drink !

If you are going to order Bitcoin in a bar, donโ€™t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Bitcoin can be served with different ingredients in different places.

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