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Dak Gomtang Drink recipe

Rocks glass

Indulge in the savory flavors of Dak Gomtang, a Korean-inspired drink recipe perfect for any occasion. Made with 120ml of Consomme Chicken, 30ml of Soju Gangsan Myungju, and a fresh spring onion garnish, this unique blend is sure to impress your guests. Serve in a rocks glass and elevate your bartending skills today!

Dak Gomtang Ingredients

Dak Gomtang Equipment

  • knife - to prepare garnish slice

Dak Gomtang Recipe

  1. stir the ingredients together with ice
  2. fill Rocks glass full with ice cubes

Recommend: serve in Rocks glass

It's also called a "lowball", "whiskey" or "old-fashioned" glass. The bottom of old-fashioned glass is thick. Rocks glasses carry between 6 and 8 ounces.

The Ultimate Guide to Making Dak Gomtang: The Korean Chicken Soup Cocktail

Are you tired of the same old cocktails? Want to try something new and exciting that will surprise your taste buds? Look no further than Dak Gomtang, the Korean chicken soup cocktail that has taken the bartending world by storm. In this guide, we'll explore the history and popularity of Dak Gomtang, how to make it, variations, common mistakes to avoid, and more.


Dak Gomtang is a traditional Korean dish that dates back to the Joseon Dynasty. It is a simple soup made with chicken, rice, and water, and is often served as a restorative meal. However, in recent years, bartenders have taken this classic dish and turned it into a unique and delicious cocktail.

Dak Gomtang has become increasingly popular in the United States, especially in cities with a large Korean population such as Los Angeles and New York City. It has also gained attention on social media, with bartenders sharing their creative twists on the traditional recipe.

Dak Gomtang is known for its savory flavor and warming qualities, making it the perfect drink for colder months. It is typically served in a rocks glass, garnished with a slice of spring onion.


To make Dak Gomtang, you'll need the following ingredients:

  • 120 ml consommé chicken
  • 30 ml soju Gangsan Myungju
  • Spring onion for garnish

Consommé chicken can be made by simmering chicken bones and meat with vegetables and herbs for several hours, then straining the liquid. Soju Gangsan Myungju is a Korean rice wine that adds a unique flavor to the cocktail.

Ingredient Roles

Consommé chicken is the star ingredient of Dak Gomtang, providing a rich and savory base for the cocktail. Soju Gangsan Myungju adds a subtle sweetness and depth of flavor, while the spring onion garnish adds a fresh and aromatic finish.

How to Garnish

To prepare the garnish, slice a spring onion thinly on a bias. Place the slice on top of the cocktail and serve.


Dak Gomtang can be easily adapted to suit different dietary needs and preferences. Here are some variations to try:

Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a non-alcoholic version of Dak Gomtang, simply omit the soju and replace it with an equal amount of chicken consommé.

Gluten-Free Version

Ensure that the chicken consommé and soju you use are gluten-free. Some popular gluten-free soju brands include Chum Churum and Hwayo.

Vegan Version

To make a vegan version of Dak Gomtang, replace the chicken consommé with vegetable stock and the soju with a vegan rice wine.

Keto Version

To make a low-carb, keto-friendly version of Dak Gomtang, replace the soju with vodka and use a chicken bone broth that is free from any added sugars or thickeners.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a lower calorie version of Dak Gomtang, use a low-sodium chicken consommé and replace the soju with a low-calorie spirit such as shochu or gin.

Common Mistakes When Making

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when making Dak Gomtang:

  • Using a low-quality chicken consommé can result in a bland and lackluster cocktail.
  • Adding too much soju can overpower the flavor of the chicken consommé.
  • Failing to slice the spring onion thinly can make the garnish difficult to eat and overpower the cocktail.

By following this guide, you'll be able to make a delicious and unique Dak Gomtang cocktail that will impress your guests and tantalize your taste buds. So, go ahead and give it a try!

If you are going to order Dak Gomtang in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Dak Gomtang can be served with different ingredients in different places.