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Disaronno Gladiator Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Shake things up with our Disaronno Gladiator drink recipe! This sweet and citrusy concoction combines the smooth flavors of Amaretto and Southern Comfort with fresh orange juice and bubbly lemon-lime soda. Perfect for any occasion, impress your guests with this easy-to-make cocktail using only a juicer and shaker. Get ready to become the ultimate bartender!

Disaronno Gladiator Ingredients

Disaronno Gladiator Equipment

  • juicer, squeezer manual or automatic - if you mind using fresh juice

Disaronno Gladiator Recipe

  1. optionally make fresh Orange juice you can squeeze the juice yourself (once squeezed, fresh juice lasts good about 12 hours)
  2. mix all ingredients together
  3. pour into glass

Disaronno Gladiator: A Classic Cocktail with a Twist

If you're looking for a cocktail that's both sweet and tangy, look no further than the Disaronno Gladiator. This classic cocktail has been enjoyed for decades and is well-known for its unique combination of flavors. In this blog post, we'll take you through the history of the Disaronno Gladiator, the role of each ingredient, how to garnish it, variations, and common mistakes to avoid when making it.


History and Origins

The Disaronno Gladiator is a cocktail that has been around since the early 1970s. It was created by the famous Italian bartender, Luigi Manzi, who worked at the Excelsior Hotel in Rome. The cocktail was named after the Disaronno Amaretto liqueur, which is one of the main ingredients.

Famous For

The Disaronno Gladiator is famous for its unique combination of flavors. The sweetness of the amaretto liqueur is balanced by the tanginess of the orange juice and lemon-lime soda. The result is a refreshing cocktail that's perfect for any occasion.


The Disaronno Gladiator has become popular all over the world. It's a favorite in bars and restaurants across the United States, Europe, and Asia. You can find it on the menu in many different countries, and it's often a popular choice for cocktail enthusiasts.


The Disaronno Gladiator is a colorful cocktail that's sure to grab your attention. It has a deep red color, thanks to the orange juice, and a frothy top from the soda. The amaretto liqueur gives it a nutty aroma that's unmistakable.

Ingredient Roles

The Disaronno Gladiator is made up of four ingredients: amaretto liqueur, Southern Comfort, orange juice, and lemon-lime soda. Each plays a crucial role in creating the perfect balance of flavors.

Amaretto Liqueur

The amaretto liqueur is the star of the show in the Disaronno Gladiator. It's sweet and nutty, with a slight hint of almond. The liqueur is made from a blend of apricot pits, almonds, and caramelized sugar. It gives the cocktail its unique flavor and aroma.

Southern Comfort

Southern Comfort is a whiskey-based liqueur that's sweet and fruity. It's made with a blend of peaches, oranges, and vanilla. The liqueur adds depth to the cocktail and balances out the sweetness of the amaretto.

Orange Juice

The orange juice in the Disaronno Gladiator is freshly squeezed and adds a tangy flavor to the cocktail. It's also responsible for giving the cocktail its deep red color.

Lemon-Lime Soda

The lemon-lime soda is the final ingredient in the Disaronno Gladiator. It's what gives the cocktail its frothy top and adds a bit of fizziness. The soda also helps to balance out the sweetness of the other ingredients.

How to Garnish

Garnishing the Disaronno Gladiator is easy and can be done in a variety of ways. You can add a slice of orange or a cherry to the top of the cocktail for a pop of color. You can also add a sprig of mint for a fresh aroma.


Virgin/Mocktail Version

To make a virgin version of the Disaronno Gladiator, simply omit the amaretto and Southern Comfort and replace them with equal parts of orange juice and lemon-lime soda. You'll still get the tangy flavor and frothy top, but without the alcohol.

Gluten-Free Version and Ingredients

All of the ingredients in the Disaronno Gladiator are gluten-free, so you don't have to worry about any substitutions. However, if you're using a mixer or soda, make sure to check the label to ensure it's gluten-free.

Vegan Version

The Disaronno Gladiator is already vegan, so there's no need to make any substitutions.

Keto Version

To make a keto version of the Disaronno Gladiator, replace the orange juice and lemon-lime soda with a sugar-free mixer or soda. You can also use a sugar-free amaretto liqueur.

Low-Calorie Version

To make a low-calorie version of the Disaronno Gladiator, simply use a low-calorie mixer or soda. You can also reduce the amount of amaretto and Southern Comfort and increase the amount of orange juice and soda.

Common Mistakes when making

Using Low-Quality Ingredients

The Disaronno Gladiator relies on high-quality ingredients, so using low-quality ones can ruin the cocktail. Make sure to use freshly squeezed orange juice, high-quality amaretto, and Southern Comfort.


Overmixing can cause the cocktail to become too frothy and lose its flavor. Make sure to mix the ingredients just enough to combine them.

Not Chilling the Cocktail

The Disaronno Gladiator is best served chilled, so make sure to chill the glass before pouring the cocktail. You can also add ice to the glass before pouring the cocktail.

Using Too Much or Too Little of an Ingredient

The Disaronno Gladiator is all about balance, so using too much or too little of an ingredient can throw off the flavor. Make sure to measure out each ingredient carefully.

In conclusion, the Disaronno Gladiator is a classic cocktail that's perfect for any occasion. With its unique combination of flavors and colorful appearance, it's sure to be a hit with your friends and family. Remember to use high-quality ingredients, avoid common mistakes, and experiment with different variations to find your perfect cocktail. Cheers!

If you are going to order Disaronno Gladiator in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Disaronno Gladiator can be served with different ingredients in different places.