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Leblon Lemonade Drink recipe

Rocks glass

Quench your thirst with the refreshing Leblon Lemonade! This Brazilian-inspired cocktail features 2 oz of Cachaca, 1/2 oz of lime juice, and a splash of lemonade. Garnish with a slice of lemon for the perfect finishing touch. Stir with a metal straw or bar spoon and serve in a rocks glass. Ideal for beginner bartenders, impress your guests with this easy-to-make drink. Get the taste of Brazil in the comfort of your own home today!

Leblon Lemonade Ingredients

Leblon Lemonade Equipment

  • metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly, if you want to be a pro: use bar spoon
  • knife - to prepare garnish slice
  • juicer, squeezer manual or automatic - if you mind using fresh juice

Leblon Lemonade Recipe

  1. consider making fresh Lime juice you can press fruit yourself (be careful - fresh juice stays good only 12 hours)
  2. stir the ingredients together with ice
  3. prepare Rocks glass full with ice
  4. Lemoncan be used for garnish

Recommend: serve in Rocks glass

It's also called a "lowball", "whiskey" or "old-fashioned" glass. The bottom of old-fashioned glass is thick. Rocks glasses carry between 6 and 8 ounces.

The Leblon Lemonade: A Refreshing Brazilian Classic

The Leblon Lemonade, also known as Caipirinha, is a classic Brazilian cocktail that has gained popularity all over the world. It is a refreshing drink that is perfect for any occasion, whether it be a summer barbecue or a night out with friends. In this article, we will discuss the history, ingredients, garnishing, variations, and common mistakes when making this delicious cocktail.


The Leblon Lemonade originated in Brazil and is made with Cachaca, a distilled spirit made from sugarcane juice. The cocktail is named after the Leblon neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, where it is said to have been created. The drink is famous for its refreshing taste and the perfect balance of sweet and sour flavors.

The Leblon Lemonade has become a popular cocktail all over the world, and it is often served in Brazilian restaurants and bars. The drink is also a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts who enjoy experimenting with different ingredients and variations.

Ingredient Roles

The Leblon Lemonade is a simple cocktail made with only a few ingredients. The main ingredient, Cachaca, is a Brazilian spirit that is similar to rum but has a distinct flavor that comes from the sugarcane juice from which it is made. Lime juice and sugar are added to the Cachaca to create the perfect balance of sweet and sour flavors.

The lime juice is an essential ingredient in this cocktail, as it provides the sour flavor that balances out the sweetness of the sugar and Cachaca. The sugar is used to sweeten the cocktail and to balance out the sourness of the lime juice.

How to Garnish

Garnishing is an essential part of any cocktail, and the Leblon Lemonade is no exception. The most common garnish for this cocktail is a slice of lemon, which is placed on the rim of the glass. The lemon not only adds flavor to the cocktail but also gives it a fresh and vibrant look.

To prepare the garnish, slice the lemon into thin rounds and cut a small slit in the center of each slice. Place the lemon slice on the rim of the glass and press down gently to secure it in place.


The Leblon Lemonade is a versatile cocktail that can be easily adapted to suit different tastes and dietary requirements. Here are some variations of the Leblon Lemonade:

Virgin/Mocktail Version: To make a non-alcoholic version of the Leblon Lemonade, simply replace the Cachaca with lemonade or a citrus-flavored soda.

Gluten-Free Version: The Leblon Lemonade is gluten-free as long as the Cachaca used is made from sugarcane and not grain.

Vegan Version: The Leblon Lemonade is vegan-friendly as long as the Cachaca used is not produced using animal products.

Keto Version: To make a keto-friendly version of the Leblon Lemonade, replace the sugar with a sugar substitute like stevia or erythritol.

Low-Calorie Version: To make a low-calorie version of the Leblon Lemonade, use a low-calorie sweetener like Splenda or Truvia instead of sugar.

More Variations: Experiment with different fruits like strawberries, raspberries, or mangoes to create your unique version of the Leblon Lemonade.

Common Mistakes when making

Making a Leblon Lemonade is relatively easy, but there are some common mistakes that people make when preparing this cocktail. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Not Using Fresh Lime Juice: The Leblon Lemonade tastes best when made with fresh lime juice. Avoid using bottled lime juice as it can have a bitter taste.

Using Too Much Sugar: The Leblon Lemonade is a sweet cocktail, but too much sugar can overpower the other flavors. Start with a small amount of sugar and adjust the sweetness to your taste.

Using the Wrong Glass: The Leblon Lemonade is traditionally served in a rocks glass. Using a different type of glass can alter the taste and presentation of the cocktail.

Not Stirring Properly: Proper stirring is essential to ensure that the sugar is fully dissolved in the cocktail. Use a metal straw or a bar spoon to stir the drink properly.

In conclusion, the Leblon Lemonade is a refreshing Brazilian classic that can be easily adapted to suit different tastes and dietary requirements. This cocktail is perfect for any occasion and is sure to impress your guests. With the right ingredients, garnishing, and preparation, you can create the perfect Leblon Lemonade every time.

If you are going to order Leblon Lemonade in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Leblon Lemonade can be served with different ingredients in different places.