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Mochito Drink recipe

Cocktail glass

Learn how to make the refreshing Mochito drink with our easy recipe! Made with fresh mint, zesty lemon juice, and a splash of rum, this classic cocktail is perfect for any occasion. Impress your guests with this simple yet delicious drink that's sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Get ready to mix, shake, and sip your way to cocktail heaven!

Mochito Ingredients

Mochito Equipment

  • juicer, squeezer manual or automatic - if you mind using fresh juice

Mochito Recipe

  1. consider making fresh Lemon juice you can press fruit yourself (be careful - fresh juice stays good only 12 hours)
  2. mix ingredients together
  3. serve in glass

The Mojito: A Classic Cuban Cocktail

As a professional bartender, there are few things I find more satisfying than preparing a perfect cocktail. One drink that never fails to impress is the classic Cuban cocktail, the Mojito. This refreshing and flavorful cocktail has a fascinating history and is made up of a few key ingredients. In this post, I’ll explore the Mojito’s popularity, the role of its ingredients, how to garnish, variations, common mistakes to avoid, and more.


The Mojito is a cocktail that has been enjoyed for over a century. Its origins are somewhat disputed, but it is widely believed to have been created in Cuba in the late 1800s. The drink became especially popular in the 1930s and 1940s when it was a favorite of American author Ernest Hemingway, who frequented the Havana bar La Bodeguita del Medio and was known to sip on Mojitos while writing.

Today, the Mojito is a classic cocktail that is enjoyed all over the world. It is famous for its refreshing taste and its signature combination of mint, rum, and lime. The drink is often associated with warm weather and tropical destinations, but it can be enjoyed year-round.

Ingredient Roles

The Mojito is made up of several key ingredients, each of which plays an important role in the cocktail’s flavor profile.

  • Rum: The base spirit of the Mojito is white rum. The rum adds a sweet and slightly spicy flavor to the drink.
  • Mint: Fresh mint leaves are muddled in the bottom of the glass to release their essential oils and flavor. The mint brings a refreshing and slightly sweet taste to the cocktail.
  • Lime Juice: Freshly squeezed lime juice adds a tart and acidic element to the Mojito.
  • Simple Syrup: Simple syrup is a mixture of sugar and water that is used to sweeten the cocktail and balance out the tartness of the lime juice.
  • Club Soda: Club soda is added to the cocktail to give it a bit of fizz and lighten the drink.

How to Garnish

Garnishing a Mojito is simple but important. The drink is traditionally served with a sprig of fresh mint and a slice of lime. To garnish the drink, simply slap the mint sprig against the palm of your hand to release the oils and aroma, then place it in the top of the drink. Add a slice of lime to the rim of the glass to complete the look.


The Mojito is a versatile cocktail that can be adapted to suit a variety of tastes and dietary restrictions. Here are a few variations to try:

  • Virgin/Mocktail Version: To make a non-alcoholic version of the Mojito, simply omit the rum and add a bit more club soda or sparkling water to the drink.
  • Gluten-Free Version: The Mojito is naturally gluten-free, but be sure to check the label of your rum to ensure that it does not contain any gluten.
  • Vegan Version: The Mojito is also vegan-friendly. Simply use a vegan-friendly simple syrup (made with cane sugar, not honey) and check the label of your rum to ensure that it is not filtered with animal products.
  • Keto Version: To make a keto-friendly Mojito, use a sugar-free sweetener (such as stevia or erythritol) instead of simple syrup and check the label of your rum to ensure that it does not contain any added sugar.
  • Low-Calorie Version: To make a lower-calorie Mojito, use a sugar-free sweetener and reduce the amount of simple syrup used in the recipe. You can also use a light rum instead of a full-bodied rum to reduce the calorie count.
  • More Variations: The Mojito is a cocktail that lends itself well to experimentation. Try adding different fruits or herbs to the drink, such as strawberries, raspberries, or basil.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As with any cocktail, there are a few common mistakes that can be made when preparing a Mojito. Here are a few to watch out for:

  • Using too much mint: While fresh mint is a key ingredient in the Mojito, using too much can overpower the other flavors in the drink. Stick to a handful of leaves and muddle them gently to release their flavor.
  • Using too much lime juice: Similarly, using too much lime juice can make the drink too tart. Stick to the recipe and use just a few splashes of lime juice.
  • Not muddling the mint properly: To release the flavor and aroma of the mint, it is important to muddle it properly. Use a muddler or the back of a spoon to gently press down on the mint leaves and release their oils.
  • Using low-quality rum: The quality of the rum you use in your Mojito can make a big difference in the flavor of the drink. Choose a good-quality white rum that is smooth and not too harsh.
  • Not using enough ice: The Mojito is a drink that is meant to be served ice-cold. Use plenty of ice in the shaker and in the glass to keep the drink chilled.


The Mojito is a classic Cuban cocktail that has stood the test of time. With its refreshing combination of mint, rum, and lime, it is a drink that is perfect for warm weather and tropical destinations. By following the recipe and avoiding common mistakes, you can easily prepare a perfect Mojito for yourself or your guests. And with its versatility, the Mojito can be adapted to suit a variety of dietary restrictions and tastes. Whether you prefer a classic Mojito or a creative variation, this cocktail is sure to impress.

If you are going to order Mochito in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Mochito can be served with different ingredients in different places.