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Remy Red Martini Drink recipe

Martini glass

Indulge in the seductive taste of Remy Red Martini. With a mix of Remy Red cognac, DeKuyper Sour Apple Pucker schnapps, Absolut vodka, and cranberry juice, you'll experience a tantalizing blend of sweetness and sourness. Shake it up with a strainer and serve in a Martini glass. Impress your guests with this easy-to-make drink.

Remy Red Martini Ingredients

Remy Red Martini Equipment

  • shaker with strainer - get rid of large pieces of ingredients (ex: fruit parts, seeds)

Remy Red Martini Recipe

  1. fill a shaker halfway with ice cubes to cool the ingredients properly
  2. shake till perfectly chilled
  3. strain into martini glass without ice

Recommend: serve in Martini glass

The Remy Red Martini: A Classic Cocktail That's Here to Stay

As a professional bartender, I have seen many cocktails come and go, but the Remy Red Martini remains a popular choice for many of my customers. This classic cocktail has a unique flavor profile that combines the warmth of cognac with the tanginess of cranberry juice and the crispness of apple schnapps. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the history, ingredients, variations, and common mistakes when making the Remy Red Martini.


The Remy Red Martini has been around for quite some time, and its origins are somewhat unclear. Some sources claim that it was invented in the early 2000s, while others suggest that it dates back to the 1990s. Regardless of its history, this cocktail has become a favorite of many drinkers due to its balanced flavor and attractive appearance.

The Remy Red Martini is famous for its use of Remy Red cognac, which is a blend of cognac and red wine. This unique combination gives the cocktail a rich, fruity flavor that pairs well with the other ingredients. The use of cranberry juice adds a tartness that balances out the sweetness of the schnapps and the cognac. The apple schnapps, on the other hand, provides a crisp and refreshing finish to the cocktail.

Geographically, the Remy Red Martini is popular all over the world, but it is especially well-known in the United States. It is a common sight in bars and restaurants across the country, and many people enjoy making it at home too.

Ingredient Roles

To make the Remy Red Martini, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 oz Remy Red cognac
  • 1 oz DeKuyper Sour Apple Pucker schnapps
  • 1 oz Absolut vodka
  • 1 oz cranberry juice

Each of these ingredients plays a crucial role in the overall flavor of the cocktail. The cognac provides a warm, mellow base note that sets the tone for the other flavors. The apple schnapps adds a bright, crisp note that complements the cranberry juice and balances out the sweetness of the cognac. The vodka serves to dilute the other ingredients slightly and provide a smooth finish to the cocktail.

When it comes to the cranberry juice, it's essential to use a high-quality brand that is not too sweet. The tartness of the cranberry juice is what makes this cocktail so refreshing, so don't be afraid to experiment with different brands until you find one that works well for you.

How to Garnish

The Remy Red Martini is typically served in a Martini glass, which is a classic cocktail glass with a V-shaped bowl and long stem. To garnish the cocktail, you can use a slice of apple or a wedge of lime, which will add a pop of color and a fresh aroma to the drink.

Before adding the garnish, it's important to strain the cocktail through a shaker with a strainer to get rid of any large pieces of ingredients, such as fruit parts or seeds. This will ensure that the cocktail is smooth and easy to drink.


While the classic Remy Red Martini recipe is delicious on its own, there are several variations that you can try to suit your taste preferences or dietary restrictions. Here are some of the most popular variations:

  • Virgin/mocktail version: To make a non-alcoholic version of the Remy Red Martini, simply omit the vodka and the cognac and replace them with more cranberry juice or apple juice. You can also add a splash of club soda to give the drink some fizz.
  • Gluten-free version: All of the ingredients in the Remy Red Martini are gluten-free, so you don't need to make any substitutions if you are following a gluten-free diet.
  • Vegan version: The Remy Red Martini is already vegan-friendly since it doesn't contain any animal products.
  • Keto version: If you are following a keto diet, you can still enjoy the Remy Red Martini by using a sugar-free cranberry juice and replacing the apple schnapps with a keto-friendly sweetener such as stevia or erythritol.
  • Low-calorie version: To make a lower-calorie version of the Remy Red Martini, you can use a low-calorie cranberry juice and reduce the amount of schnapps and vodka in the recipe. You can also add some fresh herbs such as mint or basil to give the cocktail some extra flavor.
  • More variations: Some people like to experiment with different types of schnapps or fruit juices to create their own unique version of the Remy Red Martini. Some popular substitutions include peach schnapps, raspberry liqueur, or pomegranate juice.

Common Mistakes when Making

While the Remy Red Martini is a relatively simple cocktail to make, there are a few common mistakes that people tend to make. Here are some tips to help you avoid these mistakes:

  • Don't overdo it with the schnapps: The apple schnapps is an essential ingredient in the Remy Red Martini, but too much of it can overpower the other flavors. Stick to the recipe and use only one ounce of schnapps.
  • Use fresh cranberry juice: If you use bottled cranberry juice that is too sweet or has added preservatives, it can ruin the flavor of the cocktail. Try to use fresh, organic cranberry juice if possible.
  • Don't shake too vigorously: While it's important to shake the cocktail well to mix the ingredients, shaking too vigorously can cause the cocktail to become cloudy and lose its smooth texture.
  • Don't skip the strainer: Straining the cocktail is essential to remove any large pieces of ingredients that can make the drink gritty or unappetizing.
  • Serve in a chilled glass: To enjoy the full flavor of the Remy Red Martini, it's best to serve it in a chilled Martini glass. You can chill the glass by placing it in the freezer for a few minutes before serving.

In conclusion, the Remy Red Martini is a classic cocktail that has stood the test of time. With its unique blend of cognac, apple schnapps, and cranberry juice, it's no wonder that this cocktail has remained a popular choice for so many drinkers. Whether you prefer the classic recipe or want to try some of the variations we've outlined, the Remy Red Martini is a cocktail that is sure to impress.

If you are going to order Remy Red Martini in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Remy Red Martini can be served with different ingredients in different places.