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Time Warp Drink recipe

Martini glass

Get ready to warp through time with our deliciously refreshing Time Warp drink recipe! Made with flavorful Melon Liqueur Divas Glades, rum coconut, and pineapple juice, this cocktail is perfect for any occasion. Simply mix the ingredients with ice, strain and stir, and top off with Raspberry Liqueur and Curacao Blue Steinbok for an extra burst of flavor. Serve in a Martini glass and sip your way to a refreshing time warp experience. Perfect for any beginning bartender looking to impress their guests!

Time Warp Ingredients

Time Warp Equipment

  • kitchen strainer - dispose of fruit pieces
  • metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly, if you want to be a pro: use bar spoon

Time Warp Recipe

  1. fill a shaker halfway with ice cubes
  2. shake till perfectly chilled
  3. strain into martini glass without ice

Recommend: serve in Martini glass

The Time Warp Cocktail: A Classic with a Twist

If you've ever been to a cocktail bar, chances are you've heard of the Time Warp. This refreshing and fruity cocktail has been a favorite of bartenders and patrons alike for decades. But where did it come from, and how has it evolved over the years? As a professional bartender and blog editor, I'm here to answer those questions and more.


The Time Warp cocktail has a long and storied history. It was first created in the 1960s, during a time when fruity and tropical drinks were all the rage. Its origins are unclear, but it's believed to have been created in the Caribbean or Hawaii. The cocktail became famous for its bright green color and tropical flavor.

Over the years, the Time Warp has become a staple of cocktail menus around the world. It's famous for its unique combination of melon liqueur, rum, and pineapple juice, which gives it a sweet and refreshing taste. It's also a popular drink for parties and events, thanks to its bright and colorful appearance.

Ingredient Roles

The Time Warp cocktail is made up of several key ingredients, each of which plays an important role in the final product. Let's take a closer look at each one:

  • Melon Liqueur: This sweet liqueur is made from melon extract and sugar. It's what gives the Time Warp its distinct green color and sweet flavor.
  • Rum Coconut: This rum is infused with coconut flavor, adding a tropical twist to the cocktail.
  • Pineapple Juice: This sweet and tangy juice is a staple of tropical cocktails. It adds a bright and refreshing flavor to the Time Warp.
  • Raspberry Liqueur: This liqueur is optional, but it can add a nice fruity twist to the cocktail.
  • Curacao Blue Steinbok: This is a blue-colored liqueur made from bitter orange peel. It's used to give the Time Warp its bright blue color.

How to Garnish

A good garnish can take a cocktail from good to great. When it comes to the Time Warp, there are several options for garnishing. Here are a few ideas:

  • Pineapple Wedge: This classic garnish adds a tropical touch to the cocktail.
  • Cherry: A simple cherry on top can add a pop of color to the drink.
  • Lime Wedge: A lime wedge can add a bright and citrusy flavor to the cocktail.
  • Umbrella: For a fun and festive touch, add a cocktail umbrella to the glass.


The Time Warp cocktail is a classic, but that doesn't mean you can't put your own twist on it. Here are a few variations to try:

  • Virgin/Mocktail Version: Simply omit the rum and replace it with more pineapple juice or coconut water for a refreshing non-alcoholic option.
  • Gluten-Free Version: Check the labels of your liqueurs and make sure they are gluten-free. You can also use a gluten-free rum like Bacardi.
  • Vegan Version: Most liqueurs are vegan, but double-check the labels to be sure. Use a vegan-friendly rum like Plantation.
  • Keto Version: Swap the pineapple juice for unsweetened coconut milk and use a sugar-free melon liqueur like Monin.
  • Low-Calorie Version: Use a sugar-free melon liqueur and sparkling water instead of rum to cut down on calories.
  • More Variations: Add other fruit juices like orange or mango to the mix to create your own unique version of the Time Warp.

Common Mistakes when Making

Even the most experienced bartenders can make mistakes when making a cocktail. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid when making a Time Warp:

  • Overpouring: Stick to the recipe and measure out your ingredients carefully to avoid overpouring.
  • Skipping the Strainer: When shaking the cocktail, make sure to strain out any fruit pieces to keep the drink smooth.
  • Not Stirring Enough: Use a metal straw or bar spoon to stir the cocktail before serving. This will ensure all the flavors are well mixed.
  • Using the Wrong Glass: The Time Warp is traditionally served in a martini glass. Using the wrong glass can affect the presentation and taste of the cocktail.
  • Not Chilling the Glass: Chill the martini glass in the freezer before serving to keep the cocktail cold.

In conclusion, the Time Warp cocktail is a classic with a twist. Its popularity over the years can be attributed to its refreshing taste and colorful appearance. Whether you're a seasoned bartender or just starting out, this cocktail is sure to impress. So why not give it a try and see for yourself why the Time Warp has stood the test of time?

If you are going to order Time Warp in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Time Warp can be served with different ingredients in different places.

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